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Position:Home>Philosophy> True or False: We are who we protect: Who we stand up for?

Question: True or False: We are who we protect: Who we stand up for!?
Please explain your answer or your reasonWww@QuestionHome@Com

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We are very complex individuals, but those things that we hold dear to our hearts, our children, our family, charity, faith!. These are the things that help define our lives!. We all play many roles in the world, and each of these helps make up the whole person!. It is the interplay of all the areas of our lives, of all the things that we stand for, that makes us who we are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

False!. If someone offends you it is your natural response to stand up for yourself!. It is called the ego!. It is the same thing that always tries to win an argument, you aren't concerned with the truth, only that you win the argument!. Who you are is so much beyond what thoughts and words can describe!. You can not protect or stand up for who you truly are because who you are needs no defense!. You will always be who you are!. If you and I are having an argument and I say that sound travels faster than light and you say the opposite you are obviously right, but neither sound or light needs to be defended for what it is because it will always be what it is, the same goes for who you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this question is like all apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples!.

you can protect people that are similar to you, and you can protect people who are not!. Yes we are all humans but we still have differences!. Religious, gender, ability, etc!.!.!.

You can be an able bodied person or a straight person and stand up for people who are differently abled and people who have different sexual orientations!.

We are all human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True!. I'm not homosexual, but if someone was beating up someone for being homosexual, I would stand up for the victim!. I'm not a vegetarian, but I support anyone who chooses to be one, whatever their reason!. I'm not African American, but I support equal rights!.

One could argue that my answer to this question, based on the previous examples, should have been False, but I disagree!. I believe that someone shouldn't be judged because of someone's ethnicity, someone's identity, or for the personal choices in their lives (as long as they're not adversely affecting other people's lives!.)

Maybe the examples I listed have something in common!. I'm protecting the innocent, the victim!. Perhaps I feel as though I'm the victim!. I have felt discriminated against in the past!. I know how it feels to be disliked because of who I'm friends with, how much money I have, how I dress!.

I am a person who isn't concerned with many superficial things!. The people I protect/ stand up for are usually being judged in the same way or a similar way (for superficial things!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

we should protect our loved ones and ourselves!. and we should stand up for those that ask for help!.
when you love someone or something you want to do everything you can to keep it safe and in your life!. when people as for help we should help them to the best of our ability as we would want them to do if the situation was switchedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think when it comes to diffrent groups we beleive in what we stand up for!. We are going to support groups who don't support things we don't like or don't beleave in!. Where as we are not going to support groups that go againest the things we don't support or beleive in!. With people and diffrent things that are going on it is diffrent!. Right or wrong if someone is geting picked on or attacked for some reson and can't pertect their self I would not just sit back and watch or go on with out saying something or trying to help the person!. In a case like that you are supporting that person at that time because you beliave that they shouldn't be geting attacked or whatever the reson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's neither entirely true nor entirely false!.
Many people fight for what they are!. Minorities fight for minority rights!. But sometimes people stand up for groups of which they are not a part!. For example, some men defend women's rights, but those men are certainly not women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i agree with the first person =]Www@QuestionHome@Com