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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are some people so quick to judge others?

Question: Why are some people so quick to judge others!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I find that negative judgments come most quickly from people who possess the same flaws that they criticize in others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is called the ego, virtually every person has one, and I suspect un-offendingly that you do as well!. The ego is your sense of self, which is constantly trying to strengthen itself!. For instance, you posting this question so that others may perceive you as one who does not judge others, even though you actually do!. At first you will deny this, you may even become angry towards me!. You will here your thoughts saying "I do not", "how dare you", " you don't know me" This is the ego as well!. Constantly trying to enhance itself!. By judging others you strengthen your sense of self, as superior to others, just as by saying to yourself, I am a good person who does not judge others gives you a feeling of superiority!.

If you want to go on doing this and making enemies out of everyone, even the ones you love, just ignore this answer!. If you want to overcome the ego I highly suggest you read "A New Earth by Ecart Tolle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to judge means to logically analyse!.
if someone is judging others having a reason to do so its a good thing and also better if such activity is based on special knowledge!.
but the thing is worse if someone just do it for pleasure and also narrate his/her jugdement in front of others!.
reasons for such behavior are many as
- due to talkative nature!.
- grown up with similar kind of persons!.
- having low self esteem!.
- have a lot of time to think and discuss about others
etc etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because they have really quick brains and are capable of coming up with your life story in a matter of seconds, or so they would believe!.

I find its usually people who are not happy with themselves (often they will say 'no i am quite happy' but they aren't, but I dont talk behind peoples backs (infact this is one of my main causes of 'judging people' b/c almost everyone I know will take badly about someone almost the moment they leave)

Dude below me is right, I am one of the judging types I do it all the time can't help it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People judge in a rush due to past history if someone has a square jaw I just know we will not get along how do I know because thats the way it is and I am usually right!.
Some people judge others because they feel superior to the rest of us but if you judge them they are clearly offended and usually cant take any critisism back at all!.
These people are not real in the sense you never know if they talk about you behind your back or if they are just assess**Www@QuestionHome@Com

The psychologists have figured this out somewhat!.

I am the intuitive-judgmental type!. We make very good scientists, but are considered as undiplomatic, for we tell the truth, no holds barred!.

Many people are embarrassed if such a person even looks at them!.

It is necessary to have many different types of people in the world!. People like me are not cruel!.

Some people are cruel!. These are not necessary!. Telling the truth is necessary for evaluating problems correctly!. Correct action is a function of correct evaluation!.

Musicians and artists are also necessary!.

The earth works best with a variety of people!.

And God has given us many different personalities, no two are exactly the same!.

So no one will be exactly like you either!.

"Bear that in mind!."

Nunitak said this!.

Tee hee hee!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IDK!.!.!. Sometimes, I admit!.!.!. I do it!. But I try not to!. I guess it's something within ourselves honestly!. Like, sometimes I may feel threatened by another person, so I judge them!. Maybe it's just in our nature!. Who knows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because sometimes they don't understand that other people has their own personalities and traits!.!.they only want themselves to be good at!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They think they are good judges and evaluators!. False generalizations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they can not see themselves!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com