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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why can't I make eye to eye contact with anyone?

Question: Why can't I make eye to eye contact with anyone!?
Anytime someone talks to me I can't stande having eye contact!.I'll look at them if they aren't looking at me but if they look at me I look away!.It's really weird!.I think it's my weakness!.Everytime I have eye to eye contact with anyone I can't stand it and I get this weird feeling!.Help on how to controll it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There can be many reasons why you can't look people in the eye!. I think you might have deep trust issues!. Maybe you don't trust people or even lack of trust in yourself!.

I know that I feel very uncomfortable around people who can't look me in the eye!. It feels like they have something to hide!. Something about themselves that they feel might be unacceptable!. also in my experience people who have a hard time looking at people in the eye are liars!. Always hiding something afraid that if you look into their eyes you might actually see the truth about them!. The good, bad and the ugly!.

On the other had you know the saying the eyes are the windows to the soul!. Maybe you're just not ready to go that deep with anyone!. Even on a casual acquaintance basis!. Some people just prefer to be shut in their own little world!. It might make you uncomfortable to share that inner part of yourself!. You might be afraid that if you do you might get hurt or even hurt someone!. Shyness maybe, but then interacting with anyone period would be a problem!. If its just the not being able to look them in they eyes factor then its so much deeper than shyness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have an unconscious fear that by making eye contact people will be able to tell what you are thinking, it is very common!. In order to overcome it you must first become aware of it, it can only exist as long as you are unconscious of it!.

It is not true, if anything people can sense your state of mind by vibrations rather than eye contact!. As a practice you can stand in front of a mirror and make eye contact with yourself, as you do so take deep breaths and be relaxed with looking into your own eyes!.

Like all habits this will not go away immediately, just keep practicing with every one you encounter!. It may actually be easier to start with strangers where as these relationships are impersonal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best way to describe your problem is so typical more than half the world is shy and does not like confrontation!. You are human dont worry about it, what I find works very well is to look between the eyes and a quick flick to the eyes to see how things are getting on!. Or look at the mouth and nose area and look up quick into the eyes that way the person does not feel intimidated by your staring into their eyes!. Did you know people do not like being eye balled anyway so you will find they are not looking at you really!. Pick a spot on a persons face betwen the eyes, the nose mouth and just keep checking from time to time to the eyes it is wonderful and remember SMILE and look up pleople love it!. If they are telling you off then dont smile but other wise smile and throw them off, be human it a rare person who can stand a full stare in the eyes look up small smile and flick into the eyes and if it is really important keep looking between the eyes and you will see they will not like it good luck**Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your just very shy, nothing wrong with that!.
Although it may make people believe that you have poor social skills!.

I know you find it hard but next time your talking to someone just look them straight in the eye EVEN if you hate it, you have to do it to get over your fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If u have confidence on the other person who is discussing with u and if u are interested in the topic and not only that if u have confidence in u with out any guilty feeling then u make eye to eye contacts other wise no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have the same problem, i think its a fear of being judged !.!. but when i do make i contact i kin od start studdering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at the section of face between their eyes instead!. Then it seems like you're making eye contact but it's not as intense for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your shy!? Try forcing yourself to,it takes practice,it will come easy after awhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea im the same way!. I always look at peoples mouths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you would have a hard time looking me straight in the eye!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you're scared they'll see something you don't want them to!.just try to be more confident in yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com