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Question: What makes a Holy Man!?
as I'm doing Allot of reading from the Dhammapada at the minuet here is a verse and the story
Verse 393 The Story of Jatila, the Brahmin
While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse 393 to Jatila, a brahmin ascetic who wore matted hair
Once, a brahmin ascetic thought to himself that the Buddha called his disciples 'brahmanas' and that he being a brahmin by birth should also be called a 'brahmana' Thinking thus, he went to see the Buddha and put forward his view But the Buddha rejected his view and said "O brahmin I do not call one a brahmana because he keeps his hair matted or simply because of his birth I call one a brahmana only if he fully comprehends the Four Noble Truths"
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows
Verse Not by wearing matted hair, nor by lineage, nor by caste, does one become a brahmana only he who realizes the Truth and the Dhamma is pure he is a brahmana
as always I ask this with Metta
(((((Be Happy)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Does the concept of "holiness" bring you closer to liberation from samsara!? Or does it simply reinforce dualistic thought (this is better than that)!?

The Four Noble Truths:
Suffering exists!.
Suffering comes from attachment to desires!.
Suffering decreases as attachment to desires decreases!.
Liberation comes by practicing the path (dharma)!.

As an aspring Bhikku, you know this very well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buddha once said that to get away all reality world yet u are in Y! lol!. U not a holy man! just a follower!.

Look at the Dog's ANswer! When joining the holy world of Buddha, u must terminate all tie with family!. yet the dogs of **** says that it's genetic!? LOL!

No wonder so many corrupted monks walk in Singapore!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only the one that was and always will be, who is eternal and unchanging, immortal and is BEING, the REAL, existence itself, our Creator: only HE knows who is pure and true!. Tags and titles are meaningless!.


Holy software in his brain!. It is the genetic material he inherits from his parents and past paternal and maternal ancestors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a staightforward truth in itself that requires no answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


If you shoot someone a lot they'll become HoleyWww@QuestionHome@Com