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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we GET FASCINATED BY precious stones?

Question: Why do we GET FASCINATED BY precious stones!?
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Wow!. Now here's a good question!. My first reaction to this is to claim that - I think we are hard-wired for this, possibly due to evolution!. Our ancestors were always looking for, and collecting items they found!. These could serve as tools to aid in survival, or be traded for other items of benefit!. We know this because we find the things some individuals were buried with!. Possessions often include animal teeth, leather work, and anything shiny!. Remember that last one - 'shiny'!. As humans evolve and develop, many of our traits become exaggerated, like humor and affection!. Maybe, just maybe, the attraction towards items found in the earth that are not of earth tone color, are among that list of exaggerated traits we are born with!. This is just a guess!. Kinda way out there, huh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great Question!
I know I have asked myself this question too!.!.!.but never found any good enough answers!.
I know for sure that this attraction towards precious stones is quite primitive!. Even very small children and tribals in remote places are deeply fascinated by them!.
So there is probably a deeper psychological answer that we should seekWww@QuestionHome@Com

We are fascinated by gems jewels and stones in their myriad of beautiful colours because they are precious and eternal and hold mystical powers!.

Created from the ashes of the saints derived from beneath layers of stone dust and marble lying hundreds of feet underground for thousands of years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it is because you just love everything about them - there struture, aperence, history, where it comes from!. somehow you are just attracted to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Precious stones are believed to give strength or heal!. But actually humans just needed to believe in something because they could not believe in themselvesWww@QuestionHome@Com