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Position:Home>Philosophy> What will i do? it's so hard for me to forget the bad, past happening in my

Question: What will i do!? it's so hard for me to forget the bad, past happening in my life!.!.!?
it's so hard for me to forget the bad thing that my schoolmate did to me!.!.it was like last month ago he did, but still i cannot forget!.!.he did teased and embarassed me in other people!.!.it makes me so sick and down!!.!.i am always fearing that if we may meet again he will do that again!.!.and he appeared in my dreams, it's like we saw each other and i was like going crazy trying to hide from him!!.!.i always think of that, i cannot avoid it!.!.it's really hard to forget the pain i felt from him emotionally!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Time will soften all negative vibes and this act of unloving from him is his acting out of his inability to love himself !.!.!.your going to be ok it is him that I worry about!.!.!.!.!.your life will be blessed with beauty and love don't allow his dysfunction to permeate your being!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Things can happen that will embarrass and discourage you!. What you have experienced certainly won't be the last so long as you live!.

What you can do is forget about things over which you may not have control of!. What's really important is how you deal with your reaction to the things that happen around you!. If you can control how you think and feel, you'll become a strong person!. Cheers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your schoolmate is a dog!. Just remember that you are better than him because you were embarrassed!. Because of that you are better than him!. As for being sick and down, it only means you didn't quite understand the 1st dream!. When you meet him again you will only say hi, or nod!. This will mean your worries are over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the best cure for situations like these is TIME!.

TIME is the best healer!. With more time, you'll forget all the unwanted feeling you have when you see or think of him!. just wait!.

You can spend more time on other things like play a sport, or hang out with your family and friends more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

memorise and say " I am whole,perfect,strong,powerful,loving,har!.!.!. and happy" and "I am happy and full of life"!.!.!.atleast 20 times first thing in the morning and before u go to bed at night looking at urself in the mirror!.!.!.ur subconscious will accept this new command and work on it the whole night!.!.!.!.!.stick to it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.it worked for me as i used to have similar problems!.!.!.hope it helps)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Darling, life has its ups and downs!. Life is a bowl of salt and sugar but we sometimes have the chance to decide how many cups of sugar or salt to add!. Just fill the rest of your life with sugar!. Move on!. People will forget!. OR get even!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know what your going threw when i was younger i got knocked over by a car and i never forgot it i keepet having nightmares about and scared it will hapen again but i try to think about the ood things in the pastWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gets yourself a lots of MONEY and spends it's zealously in front of him!. And , don't forget to gets yourself a body guards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com