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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that THE PURE LOVE is the Platonic love?

Question: Do you think that THE PURE LOVE is the Platonic love!?
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Spiritual love, to love with mind heart and soul is pure , absolute and the supremest type of love!. To do so one must have understanding, emotional maturity, inner peace and mastery of ones will!.

Platonic love is a term for kindred intimacy and adoration!. An aspect of celibacy and spiritual transcendentalism!.

Spiritual Love is Pure Love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Platonic love depends on the psychology of fear--the fear that the physical sex won't be as good as one hopes, and may be downright disappointing!. So the one who loves keeps a distance, knowing that if he/she never discovers the disappointment or the feeling of "you don't love me the morning after," the love may spring eternal!.

Unfortunately, it always leaves the lover with the bad taste, usually suppressed, that the unknown may be the best part, and that it is his/her own fear that prevents finding out!. That "bad taste" is a never-ending heartache he/she rarely faces up to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

According to the Greeks, three types of love exist!.

Platonic--usually understood as "brotherly love" (close friend bond)

Eros--usually understood as "erotic love" (physical interaction for its own sake and pleasure)!.

Agape--usually called "unconditional love"

Of the three, I would think Agape is closer to most people's idea of "PURE LOVE"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my God!.!.!.

i ve been so many times in love in a Platonic way

that i think i live for this love

Its a huuuuuuge love

full of romantism and flert and pure feelingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anything that increases the population is okay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com