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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do sports exist TO CREATE APATHY or to prevent apathy?

Question: Do sports exist TO CREATE APATHY or to prevent apathy!?
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Ancient Rome!. The Colosseum games!.!.!. endorsed by Caesar to subdue his people!.

I would like to think of sports as friendly banter!.!.!. a competition between colleagues!. I enjoy playing sports, albeit I do have my preferential games!.

I, however, despise watching games on television or paying money to see it live!.!.!. professional sports are mind-numbing!. Even college or minor league!.!.!. unless youre actually playing, why go to watch!? why care!?

Its an obsession!. I hate it!. People waste money, ditch out on obligations, ignore family, all to help glaze their own eyes over!.!.!.

Its not even fun for the person watching!. They usually get pissed off when their team loses!. Or a perfectly just foul is called on one of their team members!. Or they lose money on ridiculous gambles!.

I see having fun by playing!. But professionals dont even have fun playing!.!.!. to them its a job, a job with an undeserved pay!. What is a patron endorsing by watching!? by buying a five dollar hot dog or ten dollar beer!?

People even call themselves sports enthusiasts, or athletic!.!.!. because they sit in front of a television with a beer in one hand!. Lazy fat asssses!.!.!. with nothing better to do with life!.!.!. who cant even get off their butt to play the game they claim to like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sports exist for fun, entertainment and enjoyment

it can be a diversion from stress also

I don't believe it either creates or prevents apathyWww@QuestionHome@Com

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prevent apathy!.!.!.a chance to feel compelled about something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com