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Question: What is the point in living!?
I don't see the point!. Im stuck in a four year degree which i dont enjoy, i can't drop out because im so bad at everything that i'd like to do, and hence wont get a job, i want to travel the world all year every year, but i can't coz i dont have money, and to get money i have to work and working means no time for travel!. I want someone to love me but im hopeless at social interactions and i generally feel uncomfortable around people so thats not going to happen!. I want to be happy, but i cant be because everything i do comes to nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A switch on the wall has two position!. Flip it and just maybe the light will come on!. Negative people seldom do!.see any point while in the dark!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all start out our working lives in jobs that we are not good at, but we learn the job and get better!. Maybe you could get a job in a travel agency or some other job that allows you to travel, like an air steward or something!. also, make an effort to socialise with other people!. It will be hard to start with, but will get easier!. You will also find that as people get to know you, they will like you!. Life will get better in time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As Grandpappy always said, "There's times life may not be much, but it purely beats Hell out of the alternative!."

It'd be tempting to say that you should try the alternative but, once made, you don't get to 'un-make' that decision if it turns out not to be to your likeing!. And you're going to have it made for you sooner or later anyway, so why be in a hurry to find out!?

And who ever said that life -has- to have a point or a reason!? I've yet to hear a 'reason' that wasn't as full of logical holes as a piece of Swiss Cheese!.


wow, you have a lot going for you! man I thought my life was cool, if you look at it, (your life) you have every thing! if you hate your major change it or quit!. jobs suck so ditch that idea, a friend of mine hitched a ride on a freighter and went around the world five times, now she hates to travel and just loves life in cuba!.
stop your crying stuff, nobody cares for a sniveler!.

the world is at your fingertips, go fly away!.


Keeping a positive mental attitude!.!.!.
you seem to have an economic or house-holding issue!.

"Freakonomics," S!. Levitt may be helpful!.

"Learning to earn" may be a major lesson!.

After you complete your B!.A!., consider a career in the travel industry, teaching English as a second language in Asian societies (where the students are respectful), Peace Corps!.

You may have biochemical issues, low endorphin patterns, habituation, etc!. Consider the wisdom in Dr!. John Gray's "When Mars and Venus Collide!."

"Emotions," Marilyn Barrick, Ph!.D!., also worthwhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

really!? well that sucks if you fail at everthing you like, maybe you should try other things to see if you like them!. you can also save money for your trips!. the social interactions are hard but you can find people its not as hard as it seems(same style as me)!. as for point in living!? none you have to decide your lifes point for yourself!. ever want to talk email me via my profile!.
note you also sound deppresed maybe you should see a psych or someone who could help you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

since we cannot see any point to die!. What are the desires you have mentioned are very small and can easily be realised!. But first think of your responsibilties towards your family, the nearest and dearest, and such!. It is neither fun nor pastime that what your parents taking casre of you, they are enjoying pleasure out of pain id dealing with their responsibilty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it makes you feel any better these are problems that many of us face!.!. You just have to put things in prospective and be grateful for what you do have!. I think so many of us get caught up in what we don't have and forget there are people struggling, sick, and worse off then we are!.Life is confusing and uncertain but it is worth living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i promoting again this masterpiece of the moovies!.!.


go and see it again and than come and ask me again this


I ll only remind you one of its phrase that Mr Williams reminds us!.!.!.!.


Stop this unhappiness girl and open Life's window!.!.!.see

the sunlight out there and go for itWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know this sounds so chezzzzy but you are so seeing the glass half empty!. Find a job that makes you travel!. Become a sturdis and meet a rich guy in first class!. Win him over, get married, and quit and travle were ever the hell you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this isn't so much an answer as a thought i should share with you!. all these people with these comment i give it to them because they know how to say it!. i read their answers and a its heartening for me to think so many strangers can care so much about each other!. its humbling!. and wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the point of living is purpose!. The purpose of your purpose is the greater picture!. The greater picture is all up to what you believe (faith, etc), and your purpose is why you were put on this earth!.!.!.which most likely you will know within your heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

c'mon gal chill!.!.!!
these lines are heared in some kinda moviez befor sucite!.!.!!
u can do many bussineses in e-comerse!.!.!!
mega life is presenting many!.!.!!
if interested contact u'll get much money!.!.!!
its a good job beleive mee!.!.!!

life have a way with that, like a huge mixed up puzzle!. you need to give everything to put it back together!. the hard fact is that you may take an entire lifetime to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've nailed it already!. Life is taking all of that and making the best of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

posting on yahoo answersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Like Lee's Dog horny horn horning using their dog car paid by taxer payer!. hahahah time 3!.33 = 9Www@QuestionHome@Com

You sound depressed!. I've been there, in spades!. When I was in college I was so depressed and anxious I could hardly function!.

What I wish I'd known then, that I know now, is the enormously important role that physical lifestyle, especially diet, plays in how one feels!. I didn't know anything about healthy diet and mine was pretty lousy!. And if you're a sensitive person, and it sounds like you are, you are even more affected by that than the average person!.

I can't tell you specifically what a healthy diet is, as there is so much disagreement on that!. All I can say for sure is that if you're eating a standard American diet, you're in trouble!. If you want to feel better, go towards a natural diet, minimizing processed and refined foods!. Again, there's vast disagreement on what a natural diet is, but you can go a long way towards cleaning up your diet without getting obsessive about eating healthy (which is a trap that many fall into)!. If you're eating institutional food, like in a dorm cafeteria, this will be a lot harder to do!.

Going to bed early and getting up early is also important if you want to feel better and have more energy, because it's in line with the body's natural rhythms!. Another important point about diet is that eating late at night compromises the body's natural rhythms and prevents it from functioning well!.

Exercise is also very important of course!. Depression makes it harder to do, and if you improve your energy level by the above points it will be easier!. And with more energy you'll find your social life goes much better and you'll have competence at the things you want to do!.

If you're interested in this and need some more diet pointers feel free to contact me!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend a book by Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness!. It will help put things in perspective!.!.!.

"The maintenance of life and the pursuit of happiness are not two separate issues!. To hold one’s own life as one’s ultimate value, and one’s own happiness as one’s highest purpose are two aspects of the same achievement!. Existentially, the activity of pursuing rational goals is the activity of maintaining one’s life; psychologically, its result, reward and concomitant is an emotional state of happiness!. It is by experiencing happiness that one lives one’s life, in any hour, year or the whole of it!. And when one experiences the kind of pure happiness that is an end in itself—the kind that makes one think: “This is worth living for”—what one is greeting and affirming in emotional terms is the metaphysical fact that life is an end in itself!.

But the relationship of cause to effect cannot be reversed!. It is only by accepting “man’s life” as one’s primary and by pursuing the rational values it requires that one can achieve happiness—not by taking “happiness” as some undefined, irreducible primary and then attempting to live by its guidance!. If you achieve that which is the good by a rational standard of value, it will necessarily make you happy; but that which makes you happy, by some undefined emotional standard, is not necessarily the good!. To take “whatever makes one happy” as a guide to action means: to be guided by nothing but one’s emotional whims!. Emotions are not tools of cognition; to be guided by whims—by desires whose source, nature and meaning one does not know—is to turn oneself into a blind robot, operated by unknowable demons (by one’s stale evasions), a robot knocking its stagnant brains out against the walls of reality which it refuses to see!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are who you think you are!. You create the reality you live!. Get somewere quiet and listen to yourself!. You have this negative voice playing in your head!. It is lying to you!. You can do anything you put your mind to!. You won't attract the love you want if you walk around with a negative wrap on!. No good guy will be attracted to you!. You have to get it off!.

What you don't know is that you are a beautiful being!. I'm not talking about your physical body!. That doesn't matter!. I'm talking about inside!. What did the voice say when I said that!? The negative voice is wrong!. You have to reject anything that contridicts your inner beauty!. There are people who are beautiful on the outside, but have nothing on the inside!. You asked the question and I'm answering it because you have something deep inside that wants a reason to live!. The reason is you!.

You are here in this time and this place for a reason!. You were given a chance to believe what I'm saying to you!. You have to choose the miserable life of the negative wrap or the positive life I'm telling you you can have!.

Don't worry about love, it will happen when you learn this lesson you have chosen for yourself!. Why are you paying to do something you don't want to do!? Be honest with yourself!. Are you bad at things because you tell yourself you are bad, so you wreck your chances at success!? The human mind is remarkable, so if we truly want to do something, we will do it!. What is the voice saying now!? Write the things you hear down!. After a while, you will see the pattern!.

I'm not judging you!. Someone had me do this exercise 10 years ago!. The negative thoughts were the worst when I drove and when I did dishes!. I think it is because you don't have to use a lot of thought to do those things!. I would say the most negative things to myself!. Then when I became aware of it, I said no to the negativity and it went away!. I am very confident now!. I am very aware of my thoughts, emotions, motives and actions!. Awareness is key!. Learn to meditate and quiet the mind!. It hightens the awareness!.

There are tons of jobs that are travel related!. Use the net and research it!. You will find that the more aware you are, the more opportunities will open up for you!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com