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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes a person "good"....?

Question: What makes a person "good"!.!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.!.!.and another "evil"!?

Can we truly define what is evil and what is good!? What if what I think is evil, you think is good, who is right!? Is there a right!? If there is no right, then does that mean there should be no punishment, since this means that it is also no wrong!?

Oh the joy of boredom!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What makes a person good or bad is basically their intention when doing something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The society and the value they made from the first place to classify good and bad, what is proper and what is inproper!.!.!.
they made the value as a way that assuring all people can live together in compromy!.!.!.!.the limitation is related to custom & tradition too!. So, i think it's a relativity thing!.
If we see people as individuals with their backgrounds and goals that made them as they are at this time, we can even give forgiveness for a murderer!.!.!.sometimes we can understand their reasons! Then there will be no right or wrong!.
the more important is how create punishment as a way to educate people, make them to realize that they have ruin other's life!.!.!.!.and to help them find a better way in their life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What makes a person good to me is a person who is a 'giver'!.!.!. of love,time,patience,trust, and does not expect anything in return!. Evil takes!. Evil is out to hurt!. Evil is selfish,dark,hurtful,callus and cold!. Think of how life would be if everyone did evil all over the world all at once!. How would this world be!? If you are having trouble defining what is good and what is evil try being homeless in your home town!. You will find out quickly what good feels like and what evil feels like!. There are good people who will lend a hand,give you a warm meal, a place to sleep!. Evil will feel quite the opposite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha boredom is cool(:

anyways, the thing that defines a person being "good" and "bad" is that person's values, opinions, religion, and such!.
if you really think about it, that's all there is to it!.

for example:
14 year olds having sex!?
some say it's fine because they think that they're old enough to know the consequences of the worst case scenario!.
others say that it's a "sin" to do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Music and the Soul," Kurt Leland,
"The Third Music," Ann Ree Colton,
"The Masters and Their Retreats" and "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,
"Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson, attempt to answer this question!.

You might give a listen to the NDE and "Cycles" guests on "Coast" Saturday evening, May 17th; http://www!.coasttocoastam!.com Click on "Affiliates" button for local stations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if one's deeds & ideas r in a way which makes no harm to others&gives good results that person is said to be a good person!.if one's deeds & ideas r in a way which makes harm to others & gives bad results that person is said to be a bad person!.if sadism prevails in one's ideas & deeds & always thinks of harrassing others he is said to be evil!.every thing in the world looks as per our view & the way in which we think!.what i think as very nice may seem to be ugly to u!.what seems to be good to me may seem to be bad to u!.how punishments can be given basing on these!?a person who seems to be very good to me may seem to be very bad to u!.but the evil & bad natured persons[as we have discussed above]must be punished since we have to change them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything in this world !.!.!. all bound by laws!.
And the highest is the 'Devine Law of God'!.
Laws have merits and demerits!.

Simply, if you do good then you will have a merit but then if you do evil you will have a demerit!.!.!.

If someone do what he believe is really right then he is right!.
But if he fail to do what he believe is right then he is wrong!.

Absolutely, there is always right to contrast with evil!.!.!.
for God will never let his people suffer in the eternal suffering in hell!.

that's all!.!.!.

I hope I answered that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is defined by his or her deeds, as defined by society, and not knowing whether they are doing is good or evil!. Hitler didn't think he was evil, and he still did what he did!. Father Damien from latter half of 19th century, in Molokai, didn't know he is good - yet, he gave his life helping the lepers!.
I could go on, and on!.!.!. but, I'm starting to get bored, myself!.!.!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

We the human being frame our rules and regulations or norms and deciding the good -bad-evil - heaven etc!. The norms on the earth are frames by the human being for his convenience only!. He play with the rules as he or she likes!. So, we have to judge as per the norms of the God!. It is not in our hands and we dint know the norms of God also!. So, if we think we did good things and we will go to heaven by the earthy rules!. Some times we go to hell by the rules of the God!. So, it is not possible to say what is good and evil!. In the bible Jesus mentioned ' not to judge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What defines good and evil is influence!. I believe good gives a positive outcome!. Evil continues a negative outcome!. When you look for the good, it might hurt, yet the end is a lesson!. If evil is your choice, your never happy and always looking for another outcome that suits your needs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have the ability to choose right from wrong because we have freewill and we can be good if we choose good and have the ability to control ourselves and not by ourselves that controls what we think and what we do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person is good if identifies both his character with the spiritual and emotional powerfield- (called commonsense too)-of his environment A person is bad if he can not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person is good based on three things:

If they follow their own principles
If they respect the right of others to have different principles
And if they do not stand silently by when someone attempts to force their own principles on someone elseWww@QuestionHome@Com