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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you feel that we are designed to live yet not designed to enjoy it?

Question: Do you feel that we are designed to live yet not designed to enjoy it!?
It seems to me that the only reason we are alive is because our parents didn't kill themselves!.!.!.!.

Why do we even bother to try to fit in when we are just designed to live, and nothing else!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We are designed to live!. Our lives belong to us, and us alone, and it is up to you to make it what you want!.
We live in a world where you can be anything you want!. If you truly want it bad enough!.

We have taste, we enjoy food, drink, the taste of your lover!.
We have touch, to enjoy texture, softness, smoothness, the feeling of anothers body, or anothers hand in yours!.
We have sight, to enjoy the beauties of this world, to see the sun rise, to watch it set, to watch fireworks over a navy sky, to watch lightening over the sea!.
We have ears, to listen, to listen to music, the one thing that unites us all!. To listen to the rain hit the ground, to listen to the birds sing!.
We have smell, to smell the scent of freshly cut grass, or the salty sea air at the beach, or freshly baked bread!.

It seems to me that it is up to you whether you choose to enjoy these things or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

absolutley not! dont you enjoy the sunrise and sunset!. the stars at night!. waking up next to the woman you love!. seeing new and exciting places!. talking to people from all walks of life!. there is so much to enjoy and due on this planet, i feel there isnt enough time to enjoy it all!. sometimes we take things for granted and don't realize how special time is!. our society functions at a fast pace so it could seem like we're designed to just live, but we also have the ability to BECOME!. we all know that one day we will leave this earth but if your not doing anything to make it a better place or not trying to make the next generation better then you may die in vain!. there is more to life then just death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only reason your thinking and living this way, is that most everyone are godless and they don`t know that you or we just serve or senses and not god !. and to say that god or the supreme person did`NT design a live to enjoy is wrong !.just understand that all is temporary and over come this feeling or thinking is to control your senses and the mind and then the lower driving forces like the tongue the stomach and the genitals !.Use a mantra or prayer to calm the
mind and do a 180 and see yourself and as soon your in touch with you then you`ll understand all that is and your service to god or the Supreme Person!. Always check the mind and put the stoppers to it the mind will drag your through the pit falls called stupid !.Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution made us to enjoy things we need to do to raise the next generation!. That is why understanding things, and sex are so much fun!. Curiosity, hunger, lonliness and lust motivate us to seek out knowledge, food, friendship and sex!.

If your life is not enjoyable learn something new, eat something nice, spend time with friends, and do whatever else might make you happy!.

We were designed to enjoy it!. If we aren't having fun something has gone wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, that is such a simplified view of life and a very disturbing one!. It really makes me sad to read your question!. I believe, and have found it to be true again and again, that everyone has a purpose in their life and if they will search for their purpose and work toward that purpose they will find value and joy in life!. Two books I would highly recommend to you are The Purpose Driven Life by !? and The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson!. We were not just designed to live!.!.!.we were designed for true joy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's face it!. We're all prisoners, put on earth by our spirit world; Sent here to do a life sentence for crimes we committed there!. That's why we have different life spans, and why we are imprisoned in different bodies!. IE we live in all mammals insects birds each with their own lifespan, hence different sentences for different crimes, but life, nevertheless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that wouldnt be the ONLY reason we're alive!. it helps though, thats fer sure!. lol!.

well anyways!. !. !. in truth, i really do agree that we are set up to live, but everything that is out there to enjoy is 'bad' apparently!. !. !. like weed and sex!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lifes no walk in the park we are just animals, its a miracle we got this far, I mean how did we get to computers, debts, and other such things, we're designed to reproduce, don't forget that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can you enjoy your life when you know that you will die!?We are supposed to live our lives and enjoy living it,but how when there will be pain and sorrow to come at the end of your life you enjoyed living!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are a little ray of sunshine aren't you!?
It is a beautiful world, try to get some pleasure from it!.
If you can't!.!.!. then hide away from people, you will only bring them down with talk like this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the ability to enjoy being alive broadens with age!.

in youth, you are masterful at staying in the moment (key to happiness:not worrying about future/nor fretting about past/JUST ENJOYING NOW, AS IS)

but in teens awful turmoil happens inside you (become depressed, question value of existence at all)

This passes!. And 20's are a time of being sure you know everything(!), and getting to enjoy being so confident, and enjoying the POWER of being an adult finally (the poweres of it, to use)

in 30's you realize you knew NOTHING in 20's, and it's a wonder you made it thru alive

in 40's you lose need to be the say-so'er of others and things (you don't need to be controlling, and conquering a bit of territory for yourself (amongst people, and at a job, and a house, and within the town etc) and so you can relax and start to just be amused spectating at all the foolishness you just got done with!.!.!.and you start valuing being spiritual (!.!.!.having intuition, and helping others without needing reward or recognition for it) (and THAT'S wonderful)!.

in 50's!.!.!.I ain't there yet!

But I assure you life is grand, and you should never keep your feelings to yourself, they are there to let you know what you ned to deal with, so go talk to a family member or friend who's a bit further along than you and tell them what you're going thru you'll get some valuable coaching, and you'll feel better)

SHORT ANSWER: you're encountering a phase!. it'll pass!. don't cut your arms or anything too drastic while it's going on, you've got a whole wonderful life ahead of you,and you WILL (!) enjoy it!. A LOT actually!.

(Oh there are SO many things you don't know about yet, and they are all great!)

Life is about discovery!.
And once you've discovered something, it's time to move on to the next discovery!.
So don't be depressed, forge ahead!

\You know what you could do (it's summer now anyway, read a really inspiring book about someone who succeeded in a way you'd like to---and start thinking about (and doing!) the becoming of you!.

Cause people only REALLY feel down and worthless when they are stopped!

So find inspiration! And then get into motion!

(You're right about life having an end, it IS finite!.!.!.!.SO DON'T WASTE ANY OF IT! It's a great ride!.Www@QuestionHome@Com