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Question: Is it me!?!?
I feel as if i have no one!.!. just my music art and my thoughts!. I feel as if everyones out to just for a show and im stuck behind watching them I don't know if it's just the people i surround myself with but it's just like one big competition and it's gross!.!. i feel like moving far away!.!. is it just how people are!.!. or am i insane!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no, you want to escape to a better place!.!.!. take up more activies, get excited about your life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

So a dog or cat or garden will help increase your circle of care and love!.

"Competition" is a more yang or masculine activity, and it can get out of hand, whereas beauty, music, art, and contemplation are often more feminine!. You might consider this as a possible component!. "It's a man's world" applies to the more competitive, whereas nurturing and support is more feminine!. Dr!. John Gray's "When Mars and Venus Collide" is a good resource!.

"Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," Aivanhov, and
"The Secret Power of Music," David Tame, may be worthwhile!.

However, you have to eat, have a home life, and so on, which one acquires by ability to provide for others, a "day job!." Then, if you're fortunate, location, location, location: to a more peaceful, harmonious area, or perhaps, if you're into big city shtick, to suchlike!.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, "The Neverending Story," Michael Ende, "The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis, and "Watch Your Dreams" and "The Third Music," Ann Ree Colton, may help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These kind of feelings are closer to reality than you think!. Life is like a play and some people think they are one and some people don't!. And just because some people think they have bigger roles they think they are more important, but the play wouldn't be anything without everyone playing their roles!.

I think your observations are correct!. When we have those filters we see life any old way but when we take those filters away we start to see life as a false reality, people pretending to be something they are not!.

It really is like a divine comedy as Dante wrote!. If we know this secret, we can smile and watch life like it is a play, laugh when we should laugh and cry when we should cry and be grateful that we are able to watch it and understand it for what it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's probably both you and them!. Yes, people are enormously competitive nowadays, and very concerned with image--much more than used to be!. But I'm guessing you probably have that in you, too--few of us escape it, and you wouldn't be surrounding yourself with such people otherwise!. So if you are like that yourself, you're going to bring out that quality in others!. Yes, it's how people are, but it's not how they have to be!. It's their response to stress and to everyone around them doing the same!. The only way to give them the space to drop the competitive stance is to drop it yourself when you're with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehehe!. I don't much like most people, and most people don't much like me!. The fact is that it's -always- you since -you- are the one who percieves the World around you and colors it through your own set of perceptual filters!.

If you don't like what you see, change your filters!. It's not as easy to do as it is to write, but it's well worth the effort!.


Don't feel like that we are here for u through this yahoo!. It is a good habit of hearing music!. Think positively!. In the world every person is alone only!. The relations are not proper!. We have to come alone and go alone!. Only god will be with us !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's just the people you're surrounding yourself with!. I don't know where you're from, but I've heard a lot of people describe west coasters the way you do--concerned more with image than substance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah people are like that!. takes a lot to meet the right ones who won't fake a face!. on the other hand, they may also be watching you, and setiing competitions that you are not aware of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mind my own business because MY business is the only thing that concerns me!. If others like my business fine!.!. Be happy with yours and make a profitWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, 'I' !.Www@QuestionHome@Com