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Question: Morally Wrong!?
I have to write an argument paper on something I think is morally wrong!. It has to be specific and I have a bunch of things in mind but can't narrow it down!. What do you think is morally wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These 'morally wrong' papers are subjective, and as long as you are persuasive, you should get a good grade, no matter what the topic is, even if the professor disagrees with your politics!.

- War
- Those pro-life people that suggest not taking the morning after pill when the sperm and the egg are only 1-3 days old!
- Cutting down trees
- Misinformation on labeled products
- Genetically engineered foods used unwisely
- Manifest destiny (our nation taking over other nations in the name of god)
- The hunting or poaching of rare and endangered species!.
- Pollution
- Nuclear power plants
- anything controversial makes a great paper!. Not like killing other people is bad, or cheating on people is bad!. But like selling tobacco to people when you know the bad health effects, that's morally wrong!. Appealing fast food like McDonalds to the kids!. Stuff like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, so much to choose from!

There are the obvious ones, murder, stealing, cheating, adultery, etc, everything that will get you in court!.

also there are smaller ones!.!.!. one of my pet peeves is people who like to "cheat the system" in assorted ways, i!.e!., they got a handicapped parking permit years ago for some little ailment, but they've been better for a long time and keep getting the permits in the mail and still use them!. Why don't they feel guilty for hurting people who really need them!?

Or when the supermarket opens a new checkout line when there are several people in one line, and the jerk in the back rushes up to be the first in the new line, rather than letting the ones who have already been waiting to have their turn first!?

How about people who feign illness in order to collect on disability, but don't seem to have a problem completing marathons or working under the table!. I really hate those, they drain society on multiple levels, living off the government, off of you and me, because they are lazy and selfish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Talking on a cell phone while driving!.


Despite the danger and imposition to others for this purely selfish act, people will talk on cell phones until (or in spite of) laws that are passed in order to force people to do the right thing!.

A very good example of when morals must be legislated to protect the community because individuals ignore the clear moral decision to reduce endangerment to other humans in exchange for purely selfish "gains"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Getting violent before attempting to have an intelligent conversation is the first thing that comes to my mind!.

Violence, in general, can usually be avoided if you try hard enough!.!.!. and retaliation to violence usually just takes the violence to another (escalated) level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My personal definition of moral right & wrong mirrors my definition of good & evil: what effect it has on others!. If it benefits them, it's good, while if it harms them in some way, it's wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The seven deadly sins!.
pride, avarice, wrath, envy, sloth, gluttony, lustWww@QuestionHome@Com

cheating on your spouse after taking an oath

Even better cheating on your spouse after taking two oaths one to your wife and one as governor of the state of New YorkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Murder - the intentional unjustified killing of another individual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignoring global warming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violation of principles!. Using a different standards to judge your self and others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


sex before marriageWww@QuestionHome@Com

manipulation of others for personal gainWww@QuestionHome@Com