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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do God really exit ? Or over the centuries man created God ?

Question: Do God really exit !? Or over the centuries man created God !?
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Whether you agree with me or not, my opinion is thus: Man made god/s to explain the unexplainable and to use to place restrictions on other humans!.
I came to this conclusion after over 35 years of studying, researching, reading and looking for proof that the "holy" books of the world were right!.
I am now an Eclectic Philosophical Pagan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there is any sort of supreme being, I'm guessing it's not too involved in this particular primate's journey on this certain rock in obscurity!. I could be wrong, but a God with human emotions (e!.g!. jealousy, anger) seems a childlike concept!. The Gods that people worship today are probably far from the reality of God, if one exists!. At this point, we don't have any proof for any certain God!. We do have quite a bit of scientific evidence that seems to refute a lot of what's in certain religious texts, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well first I would ask, which god, since mankind has worshiped literally thousands of them!. (See first link below!.) We're all atheists to the other gods, but believers each believe that their god and only their god is the exception, the One True God that Really Exists!. And yet, they have absolutely no reason to think so!. Zeus, Allah, Yahweh, Ra!.!.!.every one has or had their true believers, so what reason could there possibly be to think that all the other gods were just figments of mens' imaginations, except for one which is real!?

It is also possible to demonstrate that omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence are all logical impossibilities!. Such proofs are a bit long to retype here, but you can read about it in my answer to another question at the 2nd link below!.

Thirdly, the fact that gods very strongly correlate to the morals, culture, language, values, world knowledge, and even physical appearance of the cultures who worship them, should be a strong indicator that gods are the creations, not creators, of man!.

Oh, and to Cindy D, please!. Every argument put forward for an Intelligent Designer have been quite thoroughly blown out of the water, including so-called irreducible complexity!. Just because life is too complex for YOU to understand doesn't mean it couldn't have happened naturally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a man, who wanted to become rich, created this figure but the reality is taht this god is really the father/mother of Horus the egyptian god of the sun!.!.!.and other mythology!.!. he just changed some things!.!.!.and whola you have a god
and now everyone is brainwashed!.!.!.

but at the end they will all find out there is nothing after lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe He is most certainly real!.

Just some food for thought!.!.!.
Is it really plausible that the VERY complex human body systems and mental capabilities really evolved from a pool of pond scum ( basically) !? Our very complex computers, airplanes, fiber optics, etc, all had a designer, right!. Someone had to design that complex piece of machinery!. So, logically we would also have to have had an intelligent designer!. Just something to think about!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some notions about this "God-awareness receptor" include: http://www!.bbc!.co!.uk/science/horizon/200!.!.!.

Would suggest "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"Men in White Apparel" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,
"Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," O!. M!. Aivanhov,

No actual evidence that points directly at god either proving or disproving!. We may never know, belief in god is a choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People needed something to believe in so they made God!. I only believe that we should believe in ourselves!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God showing up ends atheism forever!. Apparently, God wants it to continue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Catholic, and I believe he's real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believeWww@QuestionHome@Com

when one thinks about it one tends to agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

opiete of the masses!.!.!.pretty much sums it upWww@QuestionHome@Com

religion has to adhere to the sciences because it will not make any sense without it!. Einstein himself said that to be true, as well as proving that there indeed was a god!. He proved it in about 3 1/2 minutes at princeton in an argument with a professor, look it up online to read the text!. It was an actual event, and was very famous!.

Scientifically, if God created the earth, then how could man create god!? Man could create a maker in a story, say they make God!.!.!.say it isn't true!.!.!.but that still leaves a void as to what exactly made everything!.

Once you think more about this, you will see the hard question is not who made what, but WHY they made it!. Everything in life good or bad is driven by purpose, and our personal purposes are only small portions of the overall purpose to life for all of the universes!. If there is no point in doing something, then no matter what it is, how good or how bad, there is simply no reason to do it!. This is why the question of why is far harder than the question of what!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What does 'God' really mean!. It is a name that we have given to our creator!. You say that if you are not pre conditioned to follow a faith then you would not necessarily believe in God!. I disagree!.There are many people of no faith yet they still believe that there is somthing there that they can't quite grasp or there are people in many different communities who are not exposed to the tradional faiths of the world today, yet still believe that there is some higher existence, that something that we cannot quite explain!. Scientists will argue that we came into being with the big bang theory, and it's just that a 'theory' which cannot until now be fully proven!. So yes I believe in 'God (Allah)'!. I was not pre conditioned to be a Muslim!. Iam an Aussie brought up with no faith at all!. So how would you explain me becoming a Muslim!? I believe spirituality in any form whether from mainstream faith or otherwise is a form of recognising a 'Higher Being'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must first answer the questions regarding the asking before you consider the answer!.

Where do the centuries come from!? What is the origin of time!? How does time exist!?

Where did the necessary logic of communication and language come from!?

Where is the source of the chemistry and the balance of nature!?

The "is" of reality is accepted only by those whose minds are too weak or too confident to accept the possibility that reality could have any possibility of not existing at all!. Only those question how "is" is!.

If you wonder at all that existence ("is") exists ("is"), then you must eventually wonder about the origin of "is"!.

Find a better explanation than a creative intelligence that transcends time and existence, and you will have a good hypothesis for "is" absent of a prime mover!. Be certain that your hypothesis encompasses all known conundrums and complexities, and anticipates those encountered in the future!.

This argument appears to present that the denial of god requires an awareness so transcendental that all denials are evident, that to fail to imagine all of the complexities of creation is to confirm a greater intelligence as the source of reality!. This argument would limit all of existence to whatever could have a human mind wrap around it!. That would be silly!.

In truth, since all we know is the result of a cause, all that we see and experience is the result of a cause, we have no choice but to accept cause as an axiom!. If a simple roll of dice is all that exists as an explanation of "is", then kindly explore the existence of the dice roll!.

Essentially, one must, in every case, recede to an original source, whether that be the cosmos, logic, or even chance, not to mention communication!. Find the source, and you will find god!.

OR, find a good explanation that ignores god AND provides explanation of ultimate origins in the absence of god!.
Does god exist!? Find a good argument conttary that also encompasses the above!. You wil not!.

Believe in inevitible and disputable, or not, as you chose,

Does He exist!. Obviouxly, he dos!.

Where can you find him!?
Good questionjs!.

Go looling!Www@QuestionHome@Com