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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why was I put on this planet?

Question: Why was I put on this planet!?
What is my purpose!? Am I supposed to cure a disease!? Or make strangers smile!? Please!. Don't just say because god wanted me to be here!. I need to know that I'm contributing to this world!. Otherwise, why should I be here!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a purpose for that little mosquito that nobody notices, or that zebra in the herd!. If that little miniscule creature wasn't there and doesn't matter, then disregard the next miniscule creature, and the next!.!.and the NEXT!.!. and sooner or later you are left with nothing!. It's like a small donation!. If one person thinks: Well hey, my one little dollar doesn't mean anything, then other people will think, "well then neither does mine!." And sooner or later millions of people think that their little dollar doesn't mean anything, but if they all donated together, there you have $1 million!. Broadly, I think we all have a purpose together, but individually we figure out that purpose about how to carry out the rest of our lives as we go on living, there isn't just one specific purpose!. I haven't found my exact purpose!. I'd say right now that my purpose is to be happy, because being happy = a good life!. But how I get to that happiness is a task itself!. It's really up to the person what their purpose is, and I can't tell you yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont be alarmed,but like some others(i wont say from where they are!)you sound as if u are in need of some(more!?)"fatherly advice"!. Possibly some wise and kind answerer has given it here,and better than i could ever do so!.In which case thats a problem almost or even solved(!)

But remember,we are not "put",on-this-planet;we are born,the difference being that those who use the p!.u!.t!. word MAY have some,whats known as,an !.!.!.agenda;either for you and them,or just them-there is,you ought to be able to see,a difference here,that being that if the (so-called)Agenda is just for them,then this has a high priority for being a bad,a corrupt,or even an evil plan/design!
But not always,of course!.
So read Sir karl Popper's The Open society and its Enemies;And if you are not sure of the (good)value of this,then look-up his modern book lectures-with question and answers-from his visit here a few years ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alas, the evergreen question regarding purpose!. Well, what I believe, is that the moment we are born, we have a purpose created for ourselves, rather it be to become a sucessful businessman, or a thug, everyone, and everything on earth has a purpose, the only catch is, we will not immeadiately find it, it takes time and effort, and only then, when we least expect it, it hits us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God fixed to this planet because it not possible to fix u to the other planet!.(no life on other planets) Planet means which one travel with a plan in a net!. Ha! !. The purpose of keeping u is very simple!. why the human being invented Television set or a car or some others!. Not to enjoy themselves!. The TV is to give enjoyment to others, the car any thing in this world discovered or invented for the benefit of or to help others!. Like that God created u to help others not to live Ur life only!. So, our purpose is to help others in some way!. If Ur a teacher then Ur duty given by God is to educate others, if Ur a doctor , u have to do service to others like that every person has some purpose in this world!. with that purpose only God created u in this world and observing u deeds!. For example, why we have to marry and give children for what purpose we are producing child!. Is their any purpose behind ur production of children!. The earthly parents are producing children and taking care of them like that only the Heavenly God doing it!. Ask ur Parents why they produced u, into this world, what is the purpose to give birth to u!. Ur biological parent with out reply they open their mouths!.NO answer from ur parents!. God has some plans we have to follow it that is only our duty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i Belive your life is a path,
you sshoudl never stary too far form teh course
set out by your ind
I!.E!. your natural insticnt,
some may say for religious purposes its a test
some say its a paradise,
and some say its a curse!.
what do you think you were put on earth for
a curse, a blessing or a test!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To find a reason, or else to discover why you don't need a reason!. You will answer your own question with your actions!. That which we do, is our destiny!. Whatever it is!. Get over yourself, and I mean that in the kindest way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no reason whatsoever!.

Do you think there is a reason for that one zebra in the middle of the herd among millions!? Or that one mosquito flying in the cloud above the lake!? No

Nor do any of us have a reasonWww@QuestionHome@Com

How would i know if all i know about you is that you ask stupid, unanswerable questions!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People usually figure it out as they go!.!.!.
I'm still working on figuring that out myself!.!.!. I have my doubts as to whether or not there is any single specific reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Small things can have a big impact, smiling every day can make people feel good and be happy, are you smiling!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To discover

to complet and end up you KARMA

to help humanity and society

to take God's great gift!.!.!.!.!.!.LIFEWww@QuestionHome@Com

We are all put here to work our butts off to discover, develop and implement our purpose!.

Now, where the hell did I put my owner's manual!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whatever your Natural Talent is!
If you are a Lover and not a Fighter!.!.!.that's purpose for starter!. ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ur life is basically a test of faith for god!.!.!.if you don't believe that!.!.!.well then your living for no reason because the world is gonna end soon anywayWww@QuestionHome@Com

how should i know!? i havent been there your entire life!. life gives you no purpose you have to make one for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

then start!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To worship the Creator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you're here to help the less fortunate and make a better world for your brothers!. We're in this together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com