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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had to live forever?

Question: If you had to live forever!?
If you had to live forever until you killed yourself, would you eventually do it!? When!? Would you live 100 years and leave, or maybe 500!? If you would eventually kill yourself, why would you!? This is assuming that everyone else lives and dies as usual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well since immortality is something I would welcome, I think it would be a very, VERY long time, if ever!. Sure it's painful when we lose a loved one, but!.!.!.that happens to us now and we're still mortal!. As hard as it can be, it's true that life heals all wounds!.

It's not just that I'm afraid of death, I sincerely love living, and would cherish the chance to live forever!. I want to see it all, the rise & fall & rebirth of civilizations, the ever-increasing levels of science & technology, man's eventual spread out into space!. I want to see what the descendants of man's descendants eventually make of themselves, and of the world!.

Though it has gone in fits & starts, mankind has been maturing as a species over time!. Becoming more civilized, more intelligent, longer-lived!. And yet, we still have so far yet to go!. I want to see the day when humans, or our descendants, can live peaceful, free and prosperous lives without the need for war or violence, governments, or religions!. I know this is possible, even if the societies of today aren't ready for it yet!.

So you see, I'm not ready to die just yet, and I don't think I will be for another few millennia at the very least, if not a few eons!. There's just too much to see, do, learn, and experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

saying that with living forever I would never grow older looking than say what 25!? I would just keep on living and do everything in my power to influence people to do better things with their lives and for the planet maybe put some money in like 10 different accounts and just make mad loot off the interest after like 2 or 3 hundred years!. you could do whatever you wanted even if you went to jail a "life sentence" you would be let out eventually for good behavior!. not like they could kill you so even if you had to endure death row I'd just not appeal and laugh as they tried to do me in cause once they have tried and failed your get to walk away!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you live long enough, the only certainty is that you'll end up alone!. I think that eternal life would eventually cost you your sanity, as you watch loved ones die, only to love others and have them die!. Yes, I would eventually take my own life, but I can't say when!. I guess that would depend on what sort of life I had led!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you were invincible you could help so much!.
fight crime
help the military
you just have to look at the good in the world and find ways to improveWww@QuestionHome@Com

If the only way i would die was by my own hand i would help others in risky situations and save ppl and such until I could not take it any moreWww@QuestionHome@Com


could i still go to heaven!?

and if i can live forever and still die!.!.!.!. wouldn't i just end up in an accedent some day that would kill me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would kill myself eventually!.!.!.!.It would be torture to live forever!.!.just think about it!.!.!.!.Living for a million years!.!.!.!.how boring would that become!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would help others live happily and die peacefully!. Thus, I will remain alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd kill myself in an unpainful way, forever is too longWww@QuestionHome@Com