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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the best thing about life?

Question: What's the best thing about life!?
You've certainly haven't experienced the end of life yet!.!.!.but so far, what's the best thing about living to you!? What's the most sacred and valuable thing about life!? What's that one thing that inspirational one thing that wakes you up the next day in the morning, anticipating for it!. What is it about life, that makes it so worth while!?

(Just a question out of curiosity)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The wonder of it all!.!.!.you never know whats around the next corner!.!.!.good bad who knows!.!.!.but no matter how bad it gets there is always a ray of sunshine!.!.!.besides no one has ever come back to tell me it is better on the other side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing about life is waking up every morning to a blissful tune in my heart, getting ready for school and having fun with my friends, enjoy the day while you have it, live in the present, not in the future, live it as it is because if you wish for the future, when it comes, you'll want your childhood back, so the best part about life, is charishing it while yuou have it=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel the best thing about life is love!. It's the most sacred & valuable thing about life if what you have found is true!. Deep down inside, you will know if it's true or not!. I wake up every morning thinking about the one I love & every night before I go to sleep I think about him!. He gets me through everyday!. Whenever I feel as if everyone else isn't there, I know I have him to turn to!. Even if what I have to tell him will make him mad, he always tells me I can tell him anything because if he does get mad, he said he loves me so much & he'll get over it eventually!. It's what makes my life sooo worth the whilee (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life itself is a lesson!.!.I believe that we are here to help others!.!.My life is far from perfect and I have made many mistakes along the way!.!.I have learned from those mistakes and passed on the knowledge to others!.I may not have everything in life but I am happy, have food on the table , my bills are paid and sometimes when you think about it!.!.Other have far less then that today!.!.You can be rich and still be unhappy!.To be able to wake up every day is a blessing and a gift of life within it self!.,,Sometimes I think too people many take things for granted!.!.We think we will always will be able to walk, talk or never change!.!.and In the blink of an eye we could be gone !.!.Life is for the living,,,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best and maybe worst thing about life is all the choices we are able to make!. The most valuble thing is knowing that you control it and yours is personal!. For a while now, my boyfriend has made my life worth while, and each day that goes by I grow more and more excited thinking about all the things that our future holds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hm!. This is a good question!. I guess life is so great because of all it's ups- and downs!. It's kind of like a guessing game and we all want to see the outcome!. Everyday is a new adventure because you never know what will happen next!.

So far the best part of living (for me) has been the birth of my beautiful son!. He gives me a reason to wake up in the mornings!. I could never "give up" on life because I just can't wait to see how he'll grow and mature over time!. He gives my life meaning!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com


Love is good, but it comes and goes too quickly, and too randomly!. Seems like as soon as I start to fall for someone and open up to them, they disappear like they never were there!.

But there is always hope - for good things to come, for the bad to get better, for a surprise that might change everything, for the secret that explains it all, for the truth that was always there but that you were never able to see, for the moments that give us breath and the strength to take one more!.!.!.

And, of course, for those that take it away and that make us want to know more about what is, and what could actually, be out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing that gets me up every morning is the fact of living in the moment!. Getting up every morning not noin wats goin to happen but noin it's not goin to be the same as yesterday!.

Sure the has been bad things happen but the good things always come out on top because the good things are the most precious memories you end up having!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I consider my life to be one grand adventure!.Sometimes it's up,sometimes it's down,but it is NEVER the same 2 days in a row!.I try to learn something new every day,make one new friend,do some one a kindness,and like to think and live outside the box,that so many of us try to put ourselves in!.By the way!.!.!.!.!.I'm 60 yrs!. young!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your to bubbly for me! After experiencing much in my lifetime, I have come to the conclusion that American Idol is the highlight in my life along with my 3 dogs that are always happy to see me!. Everything else is a major pain in the butt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i would say my family

but the reason it like to live and wake up everyday is cause im very excited to grow up, have a carrer get married you know stuff like that [im only 13] and i still have a lot to go to which im very excited about


going through childhood because this is the foundation of your life that you can't afford to mess up childhood in the sense of teenage years during the last years of high school, and doing what you love best is just essential that is what it is to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

running with the wind in your hair knowing that everything in life is perfect and your running not from your troubles, but just for the pure joy of it because at this moment you have not troubles, and to push yourself to the limitWww@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing about life is the teenage years were there is no care in the world and all you want to do is hang out with freinds and family and just have the best time of your lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think connections to other people is the most important thing in life!.
After all, we all want true love and real friends, and we all want to feel loved!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing at all because my life is so meaningless and nobody cares about me to the point were I just want to end it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im thinking it really sucks right now but itll be better w help of friends and family so friends and family has to be best thing in lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing about life is its possibilities, as they can be virtually endless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just living it and going through your ups and downs, learning from your past, and my quote is " Live life to its fullest"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Waking up each an every day that there someone i gotta live for and that make my life worth livingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Love, of family, nature, love of others!. Without love life wound not be worth much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Lord and Savior
My beautiful 8 year old daughter and her father who is the love of my life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

my family and girlfriend is the reason i love waking up in the morning just to see them smile makes my dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

my boyfriend and my son they arre my life and i would be nothing without them <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

family, friends and nature along with God's blessings that have provided us with them allWww@QuestionHome@Com

My girlfriend and my sister, they're my reason to live :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eveything!!!!! my girlfriend my family my animals and also the dudesWww@QuestionHome@Com

the animals because with out them we would not be aliveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Procreating!.!.!.!.!.not in a sick sense, just the outcome!.!.!.!.!.The kids are everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love, every kind of love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My family!. I would never live without my family!. My family is my life!!Www@QuestionHome@Com