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Position:Home>Philosophy> Yacht party goes horribly wrong. What do you do?

Question: Yacht party goes horribly wrong!. What do you do!?
Your husband is a brilliant pathologist and his equally brilliant colleague has just developed a cure for AIDS!. To pre-empt the launch of this mystery cure, he invites you all to a yacht party to announce it!. Unfortunately the yacht hits an iceberg and you go down!. Everyone else drowns immediately but you are able to get hold of a piece of wood that will support two people ONLY!. You see your husband and his colleague struggling in the water!. What do you do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think I would save myself and the colleague, and eventually end up killing myself for the guilt of letting my husband die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't say what I the wife am brilliant at!
I need to know something about myself here in this party seeing as its a make believe husband and not my own!.
so I can't be me if I married a brilliant pathologist!.

Only one of them needs to survive and I got the wood first maybe two of us could paddle around on it looking for
another bit of wood should be lots surfacing - if the boat hit an iceberg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At first, I thought that I'd just paddle over to them, hand them the wood, and then go under!. But, besides my lack of courage to do this, what if my husband was so distressed by my death that he just gave up!?
I'd probably just rescue my husband and try and help the colleague, but ultimately I'd protect my husband and me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did your husband find the cure in the Arctic!? You all swin to the iceberg, get on it and play "freeze ***"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com