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Question: What is Objective Knowledge!?
Examples would be helpfulWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Objective knowledge is that which can not be contested or refuted, regardless of situation!. A good example would be 1 + 1 = 2!.!.!. this is objective knowledge, because any other meaning attributed to the statement would make it incorrect!. Many philosophers throughout time have tried to find the basis for a set of completely objective truths about life!. Descartes came close with "cogito ergo sum" but was unable to go further!. Life for the most part, at least for human beings, is a series of subjective moments, as much as we would like our truths to be objective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Objective knowledge is the knowledge that realizes itself as being subjective, subject to being perfected, or just change with time!. Total objective knowledge is impossible, therefore the only way left is the one of being critical with itself!.

For example, in a regular person, sadness is an emotion that may be qualified as knowledge!. The assessment that circumstances are validly motivating of sadness would be objective knowledge, but this would need to compare with other types of circumstances, other types of people!.

Objective knowledge is more universal than regular knowledge, that's why it has to be critical, because universal knowledge is impossible in ones life time, it is only seekable in a series of steps and aproaches!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We generally draw the line between Objective and
Subjective as to viewpoint!.
Objective knowledge is considered 'that on which all
can agree regardless of viewpoint'!.
Subjective generally refers to views affected by the
observers position or attitude!.
(If you're 5' 8" than 6' is tall,
if you're 6' 4" then it's short!.
The numbers are objective!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

" Possessing the character of a real object existing independently of the knowing mind in contrast to subjective!."
This means that even when no consciousness observes an object, it contintues to exist!.

Subjective: "Doctrine contending that every object apprehended is created, constructed by the apprehender!. (Montague)"
This one lead to the kind of questions such as, "When I can't see my dog, does he still exist!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

"“Knowledge” is !. !. !. a mental grasp of a fact(s) of reality, reached either by perceptual observation or by a process of reason based on perceptual observation!."

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, Ayn RandWww@QuestionHome@Com

Simply put, objective knowledge is knowledge obtained for which there is independent corroboraing evidence and/or witnesses!. Most scientific knwledge is thought t be objective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge that you can demonstrate to a disinterested person!. For example, the idea that planetary orbits are ellipses rather than circles with epicycles -- the problem that Kepler solved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While there may be an objective reality, I seriously doubt there is any such thing as objective knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An oxymoron!.
See quantum physics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com