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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it so hard to let go our hopes?

Question: Why is it so hard to let go our hopes!?
how to carry on after so many wishes unfullfilled,,,,,should we stop hoping!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Buddhist traditions see bad desires as the cause of sadness!. Does this mean you should give up all hope to avoid disappointment!. I think not!.

I have just about all my ego shaken out of me!. Almost all the things I hoped to do to prove my superiority has come to nothing!.

This however may be a good thing!.

I often got the impression that God took away the things we held most sacred to open our eyes to things she wanted done!.

This is likely a lot of garbage and we could be sabotaging ourselves!.

D!. Child suggested that our subconscious will sabotage or elevate us based on what we believe we deserve!.

People who are negative will tend to be uncomfortable with the risk of failure required to succeed, or sabotage themselves when they do well in case they are expected to keep up the success!.

On the other hand people who believe they are champions will keep persisting and taking risks until they do succeed!.

The average number of business you need to have before you become a millionaire is around 12!.

During the first 2 or 3 you make your worst mistakes and then for the next 6 to 12 it is bit of a lottery!.

Boxers who stay down when punched never become champions!.

You should not loose hope but maybe if your plans or goals aren't working you might want to start off with something easy you can handle!.

Fulfil a few small dreams before taking on the bigger ones!.

I haven't given up on building a time machine yet but in the mean time getting my brain working a little better and getting more teaching work might help me gain recruits to help in my project!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's much easier said than done (to stop hoping)!. We hope because experiences throughout our life have shaped our thoughts on how things should run or happen!. When life doesn't go our way, it is as if all that time spent on one chain of thought is gone, and that can be discouraging and considered wasteful!. But stopping hope, that would seem much more unfulfilling!. Life would have no flavor, as we would blandly move about without hope for any future transgressions!. We view hope in terms of success and failure, but we should not!. There is no success, only failure at the prediction of future events!. Rather, we might want to live in the now, with a constant backthought to direct our actions to the success of a future plan we may "hope" for!.
I will not stop hoping because in the long run, I doubt all my hopes will be unfulfilled, and that more will be fulfilled than not!. I look at my life, and where I am now, and realize that it is unlikely to end any time soon, and that my hoping days will not be over!. I hope that my parents and friends and family remain healthy for as long as possible, and with every passing day it happens and I do everything I can to make that happen!. I hope I have lots of love in my life forever, but when it does not exist in my life, I do not despair; I do what I can, and I hope for more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wishes and hopes are thoughts about the future!. When you have a particular disappointment, learn from it!. What didn't you do to help make it happen!? Did your fears get in your own way and set up obstacles!? Then get active right now! Do all you can to make the outcome go the way you want!. Imagine it, create it in your mind, and that will help you notice what you need to do to make it happen!. Believe in yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life!. Hope implies a certain amount of despair, wanting, wishing, suffering or perseverance — i!.e!., believing that a better or positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary!. [1]

Beyond the basic definition, usage of the term hope follows some basic patterns which distinguish its usage from related terms:

To wish for something with the expectation of the wish being fulfilled!. [2]
Hopefulness is somewhat different from optimism in that hope is an emotional state, whereas optimism is a conclusion reached through a deliberate thought pattern that leads to a positive attitude!. But hope and optimism both can be based in unrealistic belief or fantasy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Recently, I saw the movie "Flight of the Phoenix"
A guy said if people cannot have love, give them hope!.
If the people cannot have hope, give them something to do!.

If you don't have love and something to do!.
Hope is the only thing that keep you alive!.

Therefore, you should never stop hoping!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we sow a seed in our garden and it does not grow, we can ask us why!? Is the earth not well prepared!? Was there not enough water!? Was the seed already dead!?

Then we can change what is there to change and we can sow again and hope that this time we did it better!.

Hope is a part of Life!. Never loose Hope for good things to happen!.

But learn to enable what you hope for, to grow!. Water it, feed it, love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is so hard to let go of hope because it gives us security and comfort at the present when everything is down!. Hope keeps us going to achieve want we want!. If we will not hope, we will feel as a loser in this life and stop trying another chance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans naturally need something to believe in!.Whether it be god or a purpose in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it's the one we really want in life!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com