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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would the Universe be, if the eyes of man could not contemplate it?

Question: What would the Universe be, if the eyes of man could not contemplate it!?
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What a profound question!.
The universe would be what animals lower than man are stuck in: "the eternal present," as anthropologist Loren Eiseley calls the world of animals!.

Time is well described as "the perception that moments of 'now' are sequential!." Animals do not have that overt consciousness of sequentiality!. They only have the perception of "now!."

And if no life at all existed to perceive any moment of "now," the universe would be totally purposeless!. Time is an epistemological concept, the elements of existence such as the "starry starry night" are metaphysical concepts, and neither epistemology nor metaphysics exists without a consciousness capable of containing them!.

The universe would not be worse off "if the eyes of man could not contemplate it," but man would be worse off if he had not abandonded his mystical concepts of the blinking stars and the sun as gods and godesses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do not need eyes to contemplate the universe!.!.!. the universe is not simply physical it is also mental and ethereal!.

The Universe is endless and also finite!.!.!. WE are the universe and the universe is WE!.!.!.

I personally believe and perceive the universe as parts consisting of !.!.!. physical, mental and ethereal makeup, and in turn we are all part of its make up, making the 'cosmos' complete!.!.!.!. and we are also that 'chaos' that vibrates within and without it!. WE are it and it is US

For that reason we do not need eyes, or a space ship to contemplate it for we are already there!.!.!. and as the 'brainwashed' beings we are currently are!.!.!.!. our eyes, in how we use them could only prevent us from seeing the universe as it really is!.!.!.!.

WE are the atoms of the universe and the universe is OUR body and our mind!.!.!.!. join with ourselves, body, mind, and ethereal and BE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the eyes of man could not contemplate the universe it would be 'nothing' to us , as man sees and knows only what can be perceived by the senses, and believes in only he wants to!
So for man what he contemplates is what he believes in, no matter it really exists or not!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe is!. Mans perception is limited or flawed or constrained by his ineptitude and fearfulness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unity wud be in the universe, people wouldn't be judged on a bais of how they look but i tink there would be love, companinship and unity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We contemplate with mind and when used properly we perceive God is Eternal and the universe is 'maya', a passing stage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Universe can only be contemplated with the eyes closed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Better yet, how would the Universe be if the eyes of man could see more than just the visible spectrum of light!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a beautiful question!.
I don't know how to answer it!.

Buried Treasure!. (nearest words my tiny mind can come up with)Www@QuestionHome@Com