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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are some benefits of "nothing" ?

Question: What are some benefits of "nothing" !?
Bad puns aside, Nothing is sugarless, Nothing is weightless, Nothing is invisible, Nothing is intangible, Nothing is space saving - the ultimate in compactness!. Does anyone disagree or have comments on this !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a balance between everything and nothing!.

Sometimes doing nothing prevents you from doing too much!. (i!.e!. butting in where you're not wanted)

On the otherhand, if doing nothing is a symptom of being lazy, then it's a bad thing (i!.e!. being selfish!.!.!.not helping out somone in trouble, calling for help etc) In this case, nothing can be heavy, visible, huge!.

It depends on the circumstances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing would neither feel good nor bad I guess!. You couldn't feel pleasure but there would be no pain!. You wouldn't feel yourself!. Almost like if you were numb, of course you also wouldn't be able to think, or hear, or see, or do anything or have any senses at all!.!.!. it wouldn't require any troubles or complications or planning or anything!. So even though it's neither good nor bad it's also perfect in the sense that there is absolutely nothing!. Nothing to caompare to nothing to say whether the glass is half full or half empty!. No reason to question existence or god!. No worries no troubles!. I wish I could go to nothing!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you mean nothing, or as in Buddhism, no thing!?

I prefer the no thing approach!. In this there are benefits!. The primary one of forming no attachments!. In this, when we work on forming fewer to no attachments (to outcomes, expectations, ect!.) we tend to have a better outlook on life itself, and actually have less stress and far more happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The benefits of nothing, nought, nonbeing, nonentities, nulls is the diminished fear of loss, deduction, deficiency, demise!.!.!.

Few other benefits spring to mind !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO envy
NO jealousies
NO strife
NO stress
NO backstabbing
NO backbitting
NO evil
NO struggle
NO hatredWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes i agree, sometimes nothing can be safer because to do nothing at least you cannot make a mistake, although your situation will stay the same, at least it will be stable!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can fallout with someone over nothingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing has no Benefits neither prejudices, its neutral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing can be created out of nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com