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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is it that keeps you up at night?

Question: What is it that keeps you up at night!?
What is it that keep you up at night!?
What races through your head some nights that won't allow you a moment to close your eyes and sleep!. I have a terrible phobia of zombies!. I lay in bed at night planning what I'm going to do if there is a zombie attack that night!. It's very silly but I can't even watch movies like Shaun of the dead w/o getting nightmares!. Even taking a shower I'm terrified that i'm going to open the door and find one there!. And then what!. That's what keeps me up at night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ah, I know exactly how your anxiety feels, except my anxiety right now is intestinal worms crawling up and out through the mouth or nostrils while humans sleep at night!.!.!.!.!.I recently asked a question on YA about tapeworms because I was curious to see if the statement is true!. Now I am too creeped out that I can't push the image out of my mind (the link showed an image of other round worms)!. So yeah, it's not something that you can easily "push out of your mind" just like that!. My mind is replaying all the foods I've eaten over the last 12 months, ESPECIALLY Sashimi!.!.!.!.!.Every ticking of the clock matches the pounding of my heart!. I regret asking that question!.!.!.!.Eeesh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death and life!. I see loved ones die before my eyes in my sleep!. I think about whether I have done eough good in my life to go to heaven in case I die in my sleep!. My fat cat that sits at the end of my bed keeps me up all night and so does my other cat who sits on my stomach at 5 in the morning!. The fact that my life seems to be crashing around my ears!. Thats about it!. Coping with it is not that hard!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No thought in particular keeps me up!. There are some nights where I just lay there watch the minutes tick by on the clock!. It feels like every thought I've ever had, passes though my mind, and I cannot rest!.

Thankfully, it doesn't happen more than a few times per year!.

No zombies for me though!. Scary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wait till i am tired to fall asleep!. but then i wake up from nightmares!. i have a phobia of psychopaths and ritualism and conspiracies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my daydreams!.!.sometimes the bad, and the good past happenings!.!.but sometimes i'm thinking of the future ahead, what will happening to me, etc!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thought that one of the top three candidates for president
might actually be president by jan 20th 2009!.

Unemployment, Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness you know my little personal problems that seem so popular today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's too bad about your night fears!. I stay up because I slept through the day or I'm reading something too fascinating to make me sleepy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wondering why I am transgendered!. Wondering why I got stuck with this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me, just insomnia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

answering Yahoo Answers questions!.!.!.like this one!.!.!.it's 2:00am!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i can never sleep sunday nights, as iam thinking ive got a whole week of going to workWww@QuestionHome@Com

then try removing those nightmares from your head and try to sleepWww@QuestionHome@Com

yahoo Q&A!.!.!.!. i should have been asleep hours ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The freedom sometimes!.!.!. sometimes its 2:32a!.m!. here the peacefulness of being up while the rest of the horrid people are sleeping I can be 'alone' in thought but filled with the pleasure knowing that the 'terrorizers' of my morning are conked out!.!.!.

sometimes I'm kept up from sensing the 'wakefulness' of others as they are also 'awake' as myself!.!.!.!. (I'm an empath) and their thoughts and feeling are keeping me up and I am 'joined' with them in that WE are both up and enjoying our 'alone' time!.!.!. and the excitement of knowing that there is another person somewhere whom is sensing me as I sense them!.!.!. like now!.!.!. I simply can not go to sleep in that the excitement of knowing there is another one or several others such as myself also pacing 'alone' and also sensing me!.!.!. it's like if you have seen Mel Gibsons the Passion of Christ!.!.!. the scene in Which Mary and Jesus 'sense' each other through the bricks of the cell that seperates them!.!.!.!. I sense them and they sense me!.!.!. and it is too 'exciting' to go to sleep because I am feeling them inside my senses and vice versa!.!.!.!. and sometimes seeing what they see and feel what they are feeling!.!.!. its a total high!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depression cycle!.

I waste most of my day doing nothing!.!.!. so I stay up to make up for lost / wasted time!. But it causes me sleep deprivation!.!.!. which causes me to get up late!.!.!.!. thereby missing more of my next day!. Then its too late to do anything!.!.!. so I sit around and waste that day too!.

Tweaking my sleep routine either causes sleep deprivation or it causes excessive sleep!. Either way, I am left feeling drained and disappointed with myself!. I then become depressed!.

As a consequence, Im a lonely, depressed, un-lived, coffee addict!.!.!.!. who is constantly fatigued!.!.!. lacking the motivation or decent scheduling to do anything with his life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com