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Position:Home>Philosophy> Agree or Disagree? With knowledge comes responsibility.?

Question: Agree or Disagree!? With knowledge comes responsibility!.!?
How do you think this statement applies in today's world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. Just ask Spiderman!.

Mostly however when we think we have something vital to say or do, the universe has it all in hand!.

There are however times when speaking out is an obligation!.

If you have evidence that a crime may happen such as seeing evidence of child abuse you should contact authorities and perhaps step in personally!.

If you know that drug dealers are taking over the streets you might want to get your own gang singing happy songs and pushing healthier ways of having fun such as sport!. Just make sure you have enough or tough enough people in your gang to keep yourselves safe!. Take back the streets however you can!. Start up your own pit-bull walking group if you must, but do something!.

No-one can do everything but when evil threatens you must only back down to allow a counter offensive!. Continually backing down to bullies only encourages them!.

If you know there are people who need your help!. You may not be able to help all but you should help some!.

Having a cause makes for a fulfilling life!.

For many this may simply be raising a happy family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe!. It doesn't take knowledge to get married & have kids, but it does add responsibilities!. I can buy a car with little knowledge, but with a car comes It doesn't take knowledge to get married & have kids, but it does add responsibilities!. I have no knowledge of my responsibilities, but I have many responsibilities & no knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With knowledge come power and as such the need for responsibility to control and wield the power that knowledge grants you!. It is because of this that most people in society stop learning after a give time because they do not wish the added responsibility in an already complicated life!. Those that have the knowledge but do not use it out of fear because of being forced to use the knowledge and responsibility or even admit that they have the knowledge to begin with!. We do not rely on thosee with out knowledge, and as such ignore them and do not pressure them!. This keeps thos people within their particular comfort zones which we see allot in society today!. No drive to advance in knowledge results in security that people want!. No pressure to use the knowledge keeps most happy within their own personal worlds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question is as old as Adam and Eve!.

As the story goes they ate from the tree of knowledge, and realized that they were naked!.

I agree with others who say that in the modern world responsibility goes hand in hand with knowledge!. We know things that can destroy us!.

Consider if you will;

Nuclear Power
Artificial Intelligence
Nano Technology
Genetic Research
Space Exploration
Global Warming

Any of the above could end our lives or usher us into the next phase of our existence, the responsibility is ours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i m agree
? To me personally it's a self evident fact that since I am part of society I must also contribute to its well being by being socially responsible!. The same applies for a business organisation which is made up of people and does not operate in a vacuum!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For sure!. Think about nuclear science and as a current example, A!.I!. There is good and bad that can come from both of these things, depending on how you use it!. And in some respects, much of the responsibility comes from the person who discovers the knowledgeWww@QuestionHome@Com

A claim of knowledge is a claim of access to the truth!.

So, the more truth a person may claim to possess, the more obligation they have to not act so as to show a disregard for the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

agree because if someone tells you a secret it is your responsibility to keep the secret!. also if you are smart it is kind of your responsibility to share your knowledge like teachers for exampleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yea, sometimes in work u have to take your knowledge and it has to become your responsibility to use it to get money!. I think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

100% right!. That's why most stay unknowledgable!. They don't want the responsibility!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agree!. The responsibility begins when a person has knowledge otherwise ignorant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com