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Position:Home>Philosophy> Now that we have Albert Einstein's religious beliefs in writing...?

Question: Now that we have Albert Einstein's religious beliefs in writing!.!.!.!?

Does this mean that theists will stop trying to claim him as one of their own!? I mean, it doesn't get any clearer when he calls religion a "product of human weaknesses"!.

Or will this sort of thing continue to go unnoticed as people rely on his tounge-in-cheek metaphors as proof of his religious beliefs!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What do Einstein's religious beliefs have to do with his work!? He was a thoughtful man, as are many physicists!. Many have spiritual beliefs that are not satisfied by many of the world's religions!.

They see forces at work in the Universe and want to explore the nature of these forces, to come to an understanding!.

Didn't the Mayans or the Aztecs think we were created by a monkey god!?

Frankly, I'm a little sick of hearing, "God did it, God deems it, God wills it!." Last week, my mother's preacher admitted that he has problems with questions from little kids!. "Why is the sky blue!?" I just looked at my kid and said, "Or, why the grass is green, the Earth is round, stuff like that!?" I tried to answer all those questions, from a practical standpoint!.

We have some scientific basis for that!. I never told my kid, "God made it that way!." I had a hell of a time getting a prism, gathering books and trying to explain that the levels of our atmosphere work like a prism!. When I duplicated a rainbow, the analogy hit my kid, in a big way!. She's far more spiritual than I!. She's more religious!. She's also a science major!.

"God did it," was always a cop-out to me!. Religion is a lazy man's answer to complex questions regarding scientific interactions and how the universe works!.

Don't put too much stock in Einstein!. His brain worked overtime and he couldn't have an intimate relationship, if his life depended on it!. He was too busy working on other things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does it really matter who 'claims' him!? Call me simple, but I operate under the phrase "to each their own" It's a very good slogan to accept into your life, really!. I guess what I'm trying to say is believe what you would like to believe and don't waste your time labelling groups of people like "theists" accroding to their beliefs!.

Why not just let anyone take anything that they want from what Albert Einstein has to say!. Do you feel like you have a leg up on the "theists" by the religious belief subculture 'athiest' that you're a part of "claiming" him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not going to change anything except just one more thing atheist will be able to say 'nope, I'm right' under their breath!.

I've already seen theist trying to spin this as just a certain period in his life, that we all doubt, and how can one letter account for his entire belief in God!? Parallels to Mother Teresa have already been made, since there is some proof she doubted, even a little bit, towards the end of her life!.

But this is proof!. These are not off the cuff comments, like a teenage telling their parents 'I hate you"!. These are deep, thoughtful comments, and need to be taken seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People don't really think!. They spend their lives trying not to think!. That's why they want to give themselves up to a religion!. It seems to me to take up a lot of energy and the rewards are the negation of what they really need and want!. Guess it's safer than trying to be happy with yourself and losing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

interesting -- almost as much as the idea that "your own mind is God," originally coined by Mr!. Timothy Leary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who cares!? Take him and shove him!
And shet ep!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I was wondering when I was going to hear about this one!. We wont talk about Einsteins famouse quote about (God not playing dice) with the universe!. It was common knowlage amongst his peers that Albert did indeed believe in God!. The fact was however he was Jewish, not a Christian!. He also rejected quantum theory even though his own discoveries were a basis to help prove its relavance!. Through the use of this scientific theory we find that the theory of a creator is more plausebale than that of evolution!.

The mathmatical probability of natural selection is statistically impossable hence renduring evolution nothing more than a theory!. We discoverd that DNA cannot co exsist without something that gave it life meaning that science proved this as fact, not theory so in simple words, if indeed DNA aka life has to have a lifegiver please tell me, who would this life giver happen to be!? You cannot answer this nore can anyone on this planet!. This is the question that stumps science and hence throws out the fairy tail that we evolved from microscopic slime!. Although our department of education likes to keep the world ignorant and not teach creationism as a 2nd theory, this is why we learn so that we can study these things out rather than take some biased idiots word for it!.
Would it matter if Einstien didnt beleive in God!? No! Why would it!? Darwin didnt even have an education nore a science background prior to thinking up his fairy tail!. As a matter of fact anyone who has ever read his origonal biography learns that Darwin himself was a devout Christian until the death of his child due to a disease know to happen to infants becuase of incest!. Yes all you Darwinists, Good Ol Charles loved his won familey so mutch he decided to marry one of his own :)
His anger toward the church and rebellion to what was commonly taught by the bible made him renounce the exsistance of God and spend many years trying to figure out a way in which God never exsisted!. It was also noted on several occasions that Charles suffered from chronic obsession with his quest to create a fairy tail that today is considered a true example of human intellegance!.

In all of this we need to ask ourself this one thing!. Is it plauseable to accept that we indeed evolved from slime to intellagent human beings over billions of years!? Although 2 facts are true, #1 being that within the first noteable proof of human intellagence mankind has not evolved at all!. OUr genetic code has not once changed and science cannot prove that it did hence showing the theory of evolving from one being to the next is simpley dreaming!.
#2 would be to ask if indeed the facts, not theory of science states that there had to be an intellagent designer to allow life to being, would this fact then be more plausable to accept that there was a creator meaning that this creator would be outside human understanding!? or fall for the ever impossible statistically proven fairy tail that we somehow beat the chance of probability to become what we are today!.

I wonder what the non religous community will make up to counter these facts!? Or will it just be another case of "Piltdown" man LOL :)Www@QuestionHome@Com