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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that the person who said "too much of anything is not good for

Question: Do you think that the person who said "too much of anything is not good for you" didn't have a life
you can NEVER have too much:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Anything in excess can be a problem!. The statement is close to an absolute like say all or never!. It's a generalization but yes, too much of anything is not good for you!. It says "too much" which is more than you need, want, use, or could handle making it true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they had too much life!.

I've learned (through experience) that balance is a major key to happiness!.

I can think of a negative to each of the items you listed above:
MONEY: ask the lottery winners who get deluged by folks asking for handouts!.!.!.and who wind up broke!.
SEX: This is a tough one, but there are other things to do Wit one's life!. Not to mention the physical pain that can be caused by too much (and the diseases if too many partners)
KNOWLEDGE: True a Little knowledge can be dangerous, so can too much!. One can out think ones self out of a great experience because they know too much!.
HAIR: Back hair on guys!.!.!.yuch! Head hair that is too long can cause neck problems!.
TIME: Too much time can lead to doing too much: adding too much paint to a painting, adding an extra chapter to a book, adding information that will confuse a learner/reader!. Having limited time moves us towards efficiency!.
SPACE: Do you clean!? More space means more dirt, more area to heat (cost and being green to be considered here)
FRIENDS: Friends are folks you are close to, there is a practical limit!. (although with unlimited time!.!.!.) You can never have too many acquaintances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably, probably not!. People have had all that, and they've told us that it isn't necessarily all that!. There is such a thing as too much hair, esp!. in the wrong places!. Money doesn't guarantee happiness and there are things you can't buy!. What good is too much time if you can't find something to fill the hours!? Why have a million friends if you can't keep up with all their lives!? It's all relative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!. Too much money caused a lot of people a lot of trouble!. If u not a Human being and u r an animal without a brain then unfortunately u wont have enough sex ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

erm, no because although things like having too many friends isnt bad, having too much chocolate can make you sick, or too much money can make you lose reality!.
i think good things in small chunks can be better =]

It is too general of a statement to take literally!. Maybe the person who first said this had an overindulgent life, one which most of us will never experience!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Moderation in all things and matters !.!.!.

He has a life, the needy remain simply needful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

and!.!.!.all in moderation remains oblivious to the mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com