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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that NATURAL RESOURCES are still plentiful?

Question: Do you think that NATURAL RESOURCES are still plentiful!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All natural resources have a limit in that they are finite in quantity!.
Some of the ability to replenish themselves by reproduction however, even that is and can be adversely effected by such influences as pollution, and over harvesting, natural disasters and so on!.
Such natural resources as petroleum and mineral resources are limited and will eventually be depleted as they are not being reproduced or they are not being reproduced at a rate that will allow them to used and harvested!.
Some natural resources, such as water, are being polluted at such a rate as to make them unusable and to further destroy other natural resources!.

A great deal of this can be reversed so as to balance the cycle of new growth, development and harvesting in a reasonable manner that is beneficial to all, including that which is harvested however, we must begin to practice such wise efforts immediately!.

Sadly, the current and all past administrations of the US of A, as well as those of virtually all other nations have often done too little, too late and even now refuse to act in a timely manner!.

One of the most important things that can be done is the education of the general populace of the entire world to help them to understand to become fully aware of the current crisis!.

We can each participate in this effort by teaching ourselves and our children!.

All change must being with ourselves as individuals!.

May it be well with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you did really mean NATURAL resources, then I guarantee you there will be enough till the end of the world!. I don't THINK it's plentiful, rather I BELIEVE it that way!. Go with the science or with religion, everywhere you'll find the answer positively!. From religious point: (The God said) "Since I've created you, it's My duty to feed you!." And science, as you know better, day by day, discovering resources!. Don't forget, we still haven't discovered all the oceans! We don't know what resources are there in the deep down sea!Www@QuestionHome@Com

With the greatest respect and humility, i submit that there is only one vital and viable resource!.!.!.Source Itself!. Everything else is an illusion of our own making!. We live in a dreamworld that is constructed from thoughtforms that clang and clash and, sadly, this is what we give attention to!. In our attempt to live out the dream of separation from Source and, therefore from others, we compete for what we regard as limited resources!. We first create and then buy into the illusion of limitation!. Greed and selfishness drive us to deplete the rich and abundant resources gifted to us as we seek profit or other self-aggrandizing interests!. Source is infinite and eternal, while self is caught up in division and limitation!.!.!.and "separation" consciousness is played out in the world of duality, where competition pits us against one another!. We must lay down the barriers (in consciousness) that falsely illustrate separation and limitation!. Only Source is and we are Its perfect vessels/forms of expression!. When we "realize" the Truth of our Being, we can merge with the One and fulfill Its divine purpose as Its manifested agents!. When we have arrived at this Reality (the Absolute unchanging field as opposed to the constantly changing relative field of perception in which we are trapped), we will be aligned with Source, no longer imprisoned in the dream of limitation!.

i am SiriusWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes we have!. But because of number of people have increase tremendously and all are dependent on the resources and it take more time to regenerate the resources then mugging up,even than we have enough resources, but we have to take a care full step to minimize our usesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, look at the number of forests been destroyed, species that were part of the food chain went into extinction, I am not saying that we will face starvation soon but definitely NATURAL RESOURCES are not as plentiful as before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No,because now a days trees in the forest are decreasing as we demand to built our houses and other human activity that could damage the environmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Earth has the ability to regenerate itself, although complacency is unwarranted and a tad audacious !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. But at the rate we're going we will face a serious shortage in maybe a few decades!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rising metal and oil prices say something about thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes but we need to really work for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com