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Position:Home>Philosophy> How free should be THE PERFECT society?

Question: How free should be THE PERFECT society!?
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Its my personal belief that any utopia will have to, by its very design and nature, be a communist society!. I firmly believe that!. And I am all for it!. I consider myself communist in many ways!.!.!. its ideal!.!.!. and I wish it could be applied well!. Im all in favor of abandoning this capitalist society!.!.!. its way more corrupt (and corruptible) than any pure communism!. Unfortunately, no one is blamed for this corrupted mentality in a capitalism!.!.!. Why!? Because that is the very definition of capitalism!.!.!. money is power, and people use money for their own gain!. I believe money should be abandoned!.!.!. bartering should be abandoned!. Have you ever seen sci-fi television series of the future, casting humanity in a positive light!.!.!. future is perfect!.!.!. a utopia, like in the star trek series!. They have no money!. It appears as communist as can be!. But its perfect, too!. I beleive in that sort of society!. You cant create a utopia with money!. So, to answer your question!.!.!. the perfect society will be like ours - politically democratic and republican, financially / economically a communist, just and fair, medical / food / shelter is provided by the state if necessary!.!.!. everyone contributes in jobs they want to first, but jobs can be found by the state for those who need one!.!.!.!. society actually shuns people for being lazy drains on resources, as people take pride in their contribution and in the society that they built together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not fully free!. After all some people has special "desires" or "preferences" that most people find unacceptable due to the sheer differences between what they like!.
The perfect society means: hard laws, big punishments, maintain order(even to degree of hurting others)!.
There will always be controversies to the perfect society because we are different, so some will accept that society while others will not!. And so the many might live in peace while the few might live in fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As stated, the 'perfect' society is a perpetual dream, but if it miraculously came to be, we would all be free to respect each other's freedom!. That is the key point!.

Without a boundary that says 'This is my life and i'll not be forced to anything, and that is your life and I won't force you to anything' perfection is impossible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would think freedom is the basic building blocks of a "perfect" society!. People have the natural right of decision, and to restrict or exploit this, is nothing more than controlling others!. I don't believe in too much freedom!.
Sure, people then can do whatever they want, but it is not because they have freedom, yet because their intentions are bad, selfish, ambitious and so on!. Abusing freedom is what people tend to do!. It's the decision of doing what will get you a head in the world, or what will make you feel 'happy' verses, what is the "good" thing to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a believer in the saying "hell is other people"!.!.!. which makes "the perfect society" virtually an oxymoron!.

Freedom is not an if or but, we will always be free no matter how oppressive society is!. The choice is ultimately always ours, even if sometimes we choose to surrender that choice!.!.!. i!.e!. to submit to the will of another!.

And because of this freedom, we each have our own idea of what would be perfect!. It is these differences that make us clash!. Stalin's and Hitlers world, while both authoritarian are built on different philosophies!. For certain neither will be happy in the other's world!.

That is why the only possible perfection that we can have is that we agree to disagree!. That I be allowed to do anything I want to provided I cause no harm to other people!. To live any other way, would be a complete waste of breath!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amendment 28 to the Constitution of the United States:

"No act by any citizen of the several States shall be prohibited nor abridged except when such act shall constitute the initiation of force!."

If you are using others without their explicit or implied permission as the means to your ends, e!.g!., if your fist, baseball bat, display of nudity, of purpose of speech has the intent of using another person as its object when that person's equal rights to do the same to you or to withdraw peacefully from your use of them is abridged, then "initiation of force" shall have occurred!.

Aside from that, ANYTHING AT ALL ought to be permissible--ANYTHING!. To prohibit certain things that do not initiate force against another is to initiate government force against the person who would do what is prohibited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As long as one does not infringe on the rights of another then all else is okay!. We deserve and should demand total freedom as such!.

"If one upholds freedom, one must uphold man’s individual rights; if one upholds man’s individual rights, one must uphold his right to his own life, to his own liberty, to the pursuit of his own happiness—which means: one must uphold a political system that guarantees and protects these rights—which means: the politico-economic system of capitalism!."

“Conservatism: An Obituary,” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, Ayn RandWww@QuestionHome@Com

not very free!.!.!.!.if it was perfect, people would be happy and conscious enough to follow rules that would help with everything!.!.!.
freedom is not always a good thing (look at all those free miserable people!.!.!.no owner or rules to make them get to a better place)!.!.!.
if people are happy, get what they need, and know their limits, they wont mind not being freeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Free to acceptable and agreed upon level (just by saying that is an indications there are rules and guide lines for freedom), there is no such thing as absolute freedom because that will lead to anarchy and thus to imperfect society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man is freed upon detaching himself from worldliness and liberating his mind of sinfulness!.

He is then able to think with clarity without the need to defensiveness of his shortcomings or the ignorance of the unfamiliar and thereby feared!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you claim a society as a PERFECT ONE, they don't need any free-ness or freedom or free anything! Since they're already PERFECT!. I'm sorry, did you ask, how free should be a society to be PERFECT!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A perfect society would have almost complete freedom,as
there would be no crime and corruption!. Unfortunately it'll
never happen,as perfection is an unattainable goal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not feel that the PERFECT anything exists!.

Even if it does, would we even be able recognize it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When they had acknowledge THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!.Www@QuestionHome@Com