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Question: Why does KNOWLEDGE DIVIDE people!?
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Good question!

Knowledge casuses division among people because we venerate learning and higher knowledge and are oblivious to the insidiousness and morbidity of this reverence!. In our own lack of awareness, we have not noticed that our knowledge has brought about a self-centered way of living that makes us capable of mass destruction!.

Knowledge is conditioning!. We are organisms that are easily affected, influenced, and manipulated by the emotions, attitudes and words of others!. This is undeniable!. Even the most independent thinker in some way has been influenced by past philosophers, researhers, or religious authorities!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Another 'incomplete' or 'unclear' question from you! "DIVIDE" in which sense!? Literate VS illiterates!? Or 'knowledge of religion' divides people!? Being blind to your question, let me put an example: I've knowledge of film-making, writing radio-prog & other media works, my sister has knowledge on Botany, my brother-in-law is an agriculturist!. We're not devided in any way, staying fine within a family & share our knowledge when needed! We're not even divided from our few neighbors who have less knowledege or no knowledege!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love and wisdom are absolute unifiers!. Knowledge and information without cognitive purpose causes confusion!. Self serving individuals serving self interest bereft of any consideration to the greater good or peace in the world!.

Views, opinion and interpretations are what man holds in his journey to truth, love and liberty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personal all data is relative to the context from which it came!. If this does notfit the "CONTINUUM DATABASE" of the individual, it is rejected, or pigeonholde fro later use!. this is normal, and therefore should be pra cticed consciously, However most people dont seem to get theis far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find that humans are just smart enough to stumble onto facts, to learn them, and even to apply them!. But we are just stupid enough to misunderstand them!.

We use knowledge to reinforce the bigotry our ignorance tells us to believe!.

I think this is a curse of humanity!. We are neither intelligent nor stupid!.!.!. we sit in the middle, comfortable with what we are and what we know, and unwilling to change!. Fact and science is used as a tool for the manipulation of others and self-delusionWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are no facts, only interpretations-Nietzsche

Everybody's interpretation of "knowledge" is individual!. Of course this is going to divide people, unless they can agree to disagree!. Fat chance, that!. Everyone is too filled with hubris!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because people look at knowledge differently!. We alll have our own mind set and think our own way!. And we all believe our way is the right way to some degree!. Which strive to achieve different goals and have different opinions!. which is why no one is exactly the same in this big old world!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge is universal
Difference of opinion about this single wisdom divides people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

knowledge is powerful, we can't help but have it!. the division just happens!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Academicania has divided people always but that would make us indvualaity and personea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't!. It is BELIEF which divides!.Www@QuestionHome@Com