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Position:Home>Philosophy> ARe there a lot of people assuming that nothing is wrong with jealousy?

Question: ARe there a lot of people assuming that nothing is wrong with jealousy!?
Unless it motivates you to do better, it's no good!. I don't 'understand how one can be jealous of another at first glance!. I was judged by looks,ability,success and stature when I went to a school for the visually impaired!. No one would cozy up to me due to the choice of jealousy!. the ones who were talking to me, trashed me behind my back!.
I give people a chance!. I don't judge by the things that i mentioned!.
I't s so hard to make friends---descent ones---who are self-governed with self-worth!.After years of hard work, it's what I am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jealously is negative and is not constructive, it is destructive!. To flip it around, would be looking up to people, and wanting to learn from them and having something to teach as well!. I find that those kind of friendships are the best!.

PS: I am so glad I am no longer in high school!. I don't know why it is, but for the past 60 years or more it has been like a cruel boot camp to life!.

The good thing is, it will be over before you know it!. Just hang in there, you'll be the better for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jealousy is not an emotion!. But jealousy is anger!. And it's people angry that they don't have what you have!. I basically can tell you to welcome to the real world!. There are so many people this way!. I have dealt with it too many times in my life!. I have learned not to even let it bother me as it just isn't important nor is anyone's opinion about me!. Ignore it and just continue to be who you are!.

Being jealous (angry) is as natural as being happy!. Don't let it get to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there's anything wrong with a little jealousy!. It's a natural emotion and everyone feels it from time to time!. It's only wrong when it's overwhelming and you judge someone because of it!. But envying someones expensive purse or nice hair, isn't that big of a deal, unles of course you think something bad of them for having it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think anyone believes jealousy is a positive emotion, but it is a completely natural, human reaction!.

We all have insecurities and fears, so it is only natural to look at someone that appears to have something we don't with jealousy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everything is wrong with jealousyWww@QuestionHome@Com

You were judged based on "looks"!.!.!. when you went to a school for the "visually impaired"!. Hmm!.!.!. Somehow I dont believe you!. I think youre full of crap!.

It sounds to me like the reason no one probably likes you is that you are arrogant!. You actually believe you look one way or another for anyone to be jealous of!. Quit assuming what other people think of you!. Some people might think you look good, while others might think you look revolting!. You dont know!. You dont know what they think of you, and you dont know if they are jealous or not!. Arrogance, whether you look good or not, is the most disgusting personality trait ever!.!.!. and arrogance is never justified!. You also think you deserve more than what youre getting!.

To answer your question, is jealousy wrong!? No, its not inherently wrong!. It makes people strive for greatness, it makes people know what they want!. And, quite frankly, if someone wasnt jealous of you then they dont really care!. Jealousy is a fear of loss!.!.!. a feeling of inadequacy!. Could it be that you are the one that feels inadequate!.!.!. since youre projecting this feeling onto others!?

If someone isnt jealous then they dont care if they lose your company!. It makes no difference to them either way!. Its a failure to obligate or to care too deeply!. Its selfish, and destructive, to be obsessively jealous!. But its also completely selfish to be in any relationship without investing any emotion!. Without emotion, no fear of loss and no commitment occurs!. Jealousy is absent wtih people that dont really care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you know in todays time jealousy is different, people did not wish bad things on you, and they really were not friends anyway,they maybe wanted your guy or your hair, now days young people lack the morals to understand friend ship and being a friend, its all about being with the in crowd, most popular, a real friend would have your back and never turn on you for the other guy, I would like to say to you to continue to strive for the things you want in life, and to make decent friends who will be with you for life you have to some times be alike in home and your school life, don't judge any one, you worry about you and the rest will fall into place, your question is a very valid one but from it you seem to have your head on straight, and you at a young age know the drill, continue to be who you are, the world is made of many faces and some are worth their weight in gold and a funny thing most friends you really like they are not worthy of you,I know just what you are saying, but finding decent people in any age nowdays has become a challenge!. you are going to be just fine!. good luck to you baby!.and a little jealousy is good for you if its positive, like I want that 2008 mustang and it helps you set goals to own your own, positive feed back, negitive is not trying to do anything to progress in your own life by being a drop out,a bum and I could go on and on!. jealousy comes in a lot of shapes and forms, so the question is where is this going!.!.!.!.!.and can you choose to have confidence in your self where a little jealousy is cool, lets you know you are doing something right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com