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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is this proof that human's have souls?

Question: Is this proof that human's have souls!?
Inside our bodies is electrical energy!. When we die this energy ceases, yet our bodies remain!. Our bodies obviously cannot function without this energy as it makes our hearts beat, pumps blood around our bodies enabling them to power all our functions!. My question is is this mysterious electrical energy inside us our souls, and is the fact that it is absent when we die proof that it has gone to another place and is it possible that this energy lives on!? I sort of compare it to computer memory!. If a computer shuts down memory can be recovered from it and live on in another computer!. Can our consciousness live on in the form of electrical energy!?
I am unsure I have explained what I mean properly as I am just an average joe but I hope people get what I am trying to say!. I am a police officer and have attended post mortems and I just think that cant be all there is to life!. We must continue on!. I think our aura's, heart beating, energy flowing through us must be manifested by soulsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Intelligence is proof of us having souls and that we're not just bio-robots!. Until one day when scientists can demonstrate that intelligence can be produced bio-mechanically then I will start to believe that we do not have souls!. The computer analogy is a good one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is quite a big difference between known matter and energy and unproven souls!. The fact that we lose all our chi when we die does not prove it goes to some form of after life!. What you believe about what "cant be all there is to life" has no effect upon reality at all!. Why must we continue on!? Only because you want that to be true!? I learned that wishes do not come true before I started to school!. It is time you learned that too!. Learn what is real and stop wasting time on wishing for things that can never be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

clinically dead people with flat lines on their brain monitors (which would show activity if the person was dreaming or having hallucinations) have had very vivid 'near death' experiences that they can relate in precise detail

no electricity involved at allWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, we don't have souls and this is not what will convince me of the contrary!. I believe we all living things have a personal "karma", part of a global "universal karma"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If a battery runs out then it's just dead, it's energy hasn't gone to heaven!.!.!.

If we do have souls then it's probably something more complicated not yet understood by scienceWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's enough for one to acknowledge a soul knowing his brain is a lump of inanimate protein but he feels emotions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deep!. This is a facinating subject, but like you i am an average Joe, so I will keep looking at this question and see what others write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Terrific question!. Thanks!. More later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you're taking everything too literally!. But good theory anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have had experience of out of the body experience and I think you are correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Energy never dies!.!.!.!.!.it just takes on different formsWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah its called '' the bible''!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only soul we have is our 'R'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its all hog wash, when you die your dead, no heaven or hell no ghosts no soul, if you get planted in ground you become worm food if you get burnt you become pot ash for the soilWww@QuestionHome@Com

pls make me d best answer
best wishesWww@QuestionHome@Com


I would suggest that you read an Organic Chemistry textbook, then a Biology textbook, then a Thermodynamics textbook!.

When you are done, I suspect that you will realize that your supposition is invalid!.

The energy in your body is in a meriad of forms, including electrical, chemical, and potential!.

Energy can not be created or destroyed!.
When you die, the energy isn't gone!. But it does slowly drift away from your 'bodily form' into other forms within the local environment!.

Regarding the notion of comparing the recovery of computer memory and that of human memory!.!.!.
Both human and computer memory degrade with time, if maintenance activities are not carried out to stave off degradation!.

Given enough time, both human and computer memory can be expected to be completely lost as the 'original' order of the particles (that the memory was structured within) lose their previous spatial and electro-chemical relationship to each other!.

You are, of course, welcome to your belief in souls!. But, the evidence to date, does not support the supposition!. (as best as I can tell)

Take care!.!.!.!.and thanks for the mental stimulation!.

That's sort of right but I wouldn't compare us to computers, but no if we didn't have souls then I don't think we would function very well because having a soul means you can forgive and that you have a conscience, but it also depends on how damaged your soul is if you have seen or done alot of bad things like if you have stolen something that can be put on your conscience which goes to your soul and then you start doing alot of worse things like burglary, car theft, and so on but the worst thing you can do is take a life!. If you do it to save someone else then that's different but if you do it out of cold blood then that means you tossed your conscience along time ago and that your soul is being ripped to pieces!. So we do have souls but what you said can't prove it, no scientific or logical thinking can prove that we have souls their to close minded! Our body's are controlled by alot of things like our brain, and heart are to big things and then there's our nervous system that controls how we react to hot or cold things, like when you put you hand on a hot stove the nerves know it's hot so they send a message telling the brain HOT! and the brain sends a message back making the body react and take your hand away that is all controlled by the brain and nerves it has nothing to do with the soul!. And I don't think this is it in life, I'm a christian and I can tell you now this isn't the end there is still alot of things to be seen, heard, said, and even smelled! There are still things to experience in life so don't fret yourself there's still time!
This was a really good theory I hope you liked my answer! Hope it did some good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your question is motivated by a conflation between an indicative and a subjunctive!.

Indicative1: Our bodies have a unique "energy!?"

Indicative2!. Our energies result from our soul!.

Subjunctive (also your conclusion): Therefore, were that computers have behavior/ nature/functioning as us, our soul would live on!.

There are multiple problems in this argument!. For instance, what justifies 1, 2, and 3!? Surely it cannot be the subjunctive itself!. That would be using a conclusion to support a premise (I have restructured it in a more intuitive way, though the subjunctive claim may also be arrived at through a more formal strategy)!.

For now, think of these two things!.

1!. Why is a computer's ability to mimic (or, create) intelligence/feelings and restart upon booting, a reason to believe that our internal makeup is similar to that of computers!?

2!. If I am making an analogy between humans and computers (in the subjunctive) to establish the existence of souls (everlasting, etc!.), then logically, have I not already presumed the existence of souls in at least one of them in order to make the claim that the soul exists in the other type as well!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our energy, our life force, is part of the life force inherent in the universe!. We, and everything around us, are manifestions of that energy!. When our phyisical bodies die, that energy is released and is reused elsewhere, since energy is neither created nor destroyed!.

We do continue on, not as "ourselves", but our energy continues on!. Sometimes, flickers of part uses of this energy manifest themselves!. This is what some use to point to reincarnation, which I personally believe in!.

You can say that this energy is a "soul" if it helps to label it, but I see it as nothing like the "soul" that supposedly goes to heaven or hell at death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mother died just before Xmas!.
she had been deteriorating mentally and physically since a stroke a year ago!. She was admitted to hospital a couple of months before Xmas, but by then she was ready to die, and refused to let them treat her!. She was discharged after a week to a different nursing home more suited to her condition!. She refused to eat or drink, till eventually she effectively 'switched herself off'!.
My brother visited her the day before she died!. He was alone with her in the room!. He felt an 'electric atmosphere'!. She was lying still oblivious to him and everything else, despite him talking to her and touching her!. Every so often she opened her eyes wide in blissful wonder, and smiled joyfully!. My brother saw sparks in the air, and felt a warm wind!.

Make of that what you will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Electrical energy is a physical phenomenon, and light is the lightest for of matter known to man!. The energy that powers human will and the light that lightens up our imagination, our thoughts are the real light and energy of human life !.!.!. and yet I have no proof of the existence of human soul!.

Electrical energy as it is operational in each cell of our body can be measured, modified and experimented upon!. The most common example in this case is that of the jump-starting of an embryonic cell, or egg, during In vitro Fertilisation treatment by inducing a mild electrical shock to the cell!.

The cells of our body use electrical energy for functioning, as so do neuron, or our brain cells!. Neurons run brain-originated electrical signals throughout the body in form of normal sensory information and sensations!. These facts I believe are within the common knowledge of most people!.

Most material substances in their energetically excited state produce positive and negative ions, including the pith of a humble spud, which then can be turn into electrical current and used for various purposes!. When human mind gets excited it too becomes illuminated a firework like display of electrical charges and discharges!. But brain also produces thoughts, something that no amount of electrical energy can produce on its own!. Our thoughts then come to realise the presence of human mind, and within the mind are the actual wonders of our being!.

Why do we wonder, for instance, about things that are not in our knowledge, and dream!? Then we have capacities for hope and faithful believes!. There is no formation of electrical alone that could give a reason for having a hope and for believing in supernatural!.

Now, what is the stuff that our thoughts, our sense of wonder, our intrigue and happiness, our hopes and dreams are made of, the question that we have found no answer to so far!. What possibilities could be beyond the reason, positive and negative switch-like reasons, of human mind, signify that there is much more to life than we could physically comprehend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a good try at a logical argument!. But it does not prove "soul" anymore than it proves "emotion," which may come from the same energy!. Yet we know, not only by demonstration that emotions exist; we understand them abstractly!.

In the same abstract way, we must understand "soul" or "spirit!." There is no scientific proof, thought someday I have no doubt there will be proof of "something happening in the brain and nervous system," just as they prove there is "something" when people hear music, do math, watch porn!.

Even atheists understand the soul, abstractly!. Ayn Rand, one of the 20th Centuries most avowed atheists understood it very well, and believed in it as much as she believed there was no mystical "heaven," and that the soul dies with the body!.

"The fortune of my spirit is not to be blown into coins of brass and flung to the winds as alms for the poor of the spirit!. "

"For in the temple of his spirit, each man is alone!. Let each man keep his temple untouched and undefiled!."

"This word must never be placed first within man's soul, else it becomes a monster, the root of all the evils on earth, the root of man's torture by men, and of an unspeakable lie!."

"I understood that centuries of chains and lashes will not kill the spirit of man nor the sense of truth within him!."

"Gaea is pregnant with my child!. Our son will be raised as a man!. He will be taught reverence for his own spirit!."

"!.!.!. the first precondition of self-esteem is that radiant selfishness of soul which desires the best in all things, in values of matter and spirit, a soul that seeks above all else to achieve its own moral perfection, valuing nothing higher than itself—"

"!.!.!.the structure [of every beam of every building] comes from the thought of some one man, each in his day down the ages, from the depth of some one spirit, such spirit as existed but for its own sake!."

"Through all the darkness, through all the shame of which men are capable, the spirit of man will remain alive on this earth!. It may sleep, but it will awaken!. It may wear chains, but it will break through!. And man will go on!."

"!.!.!.that as man is a being of self-made wealth, so he is a being of self-made soul—!.!.!."

"A body without a soul is a corpse, a soul without a body is a ghost!.!.!." The author did not believe in ghosts, which is why she could be atheist and still believe a living being has a soul--but that a soul must also have a body!.
Ayn RandWww@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you Dr Freud!. Now go back to bed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com