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Position:Home>Philosophy> If there were no complaining?

Question: If there were no complaining!?
if people werent complaining would the world go into mass caos!? any1 who answers if they have a stick arena profile please telll me the username i would love to talk sometim my name is killer!.clann!.soilder3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Complaining to others about a similar subject/s somewhat lessens social distance between them!. For example, people complain about weather and find common ground!. "The weather has been TERRIBLE lately, hasn't it!? I hate [insert city's name]'s weather!." "Yeah, true that!.!." etc!. The people find themselves a little closer because of a negative opinion!.
Complaining, as negative as it may seem, has functions!. Complaining can portray our needs or wants!.
The issue here is, when people complain TOO MUCH or UNNECESSARILY!. People would be more happier to be a little more optimistic and positive!.
I like the point about animals not complaining, by the way -quite a valid point!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only through a striving for perfection/order does the world keep out of chaos!. Without people stating what can be improved, what is wrong, etc!. everyone one would either be forced to follow the leadership of a select group or follow their own; both of which would destroy harmony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No becuase the world would be at peace, and it would be harmonius and we could use our peace and harmoniousness (sp!? lol) to better the world, and find scientific insight and acheive greater things as a species!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If mankind's time on this planet were done and the same for any animals that complain!. Cockroaches inherit the earth!. Do cockroaches complain !? Has anyone ever heard cockroaches complain!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then all would be sheep !. Except there masters !.Www@QuestionHome@Com