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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it better to not exist or to exist ?

Question: Is it better to not exist or to exist !?

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That is the question!. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them!.

Hamlet (eventually) decided that the state of being was much more desirable than the state of not being!. By not being, as he was at the beginning of the play, he was an impotent character, devoid of impetus or meaningful action!. However, when he chooses to 'be' at the end of the play, ie, to act on what he knows is right, his character is finally able to actualize a self-concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The question makes no sense as non-existence is not an alternative or opposite to existence!.

The illusion that non-existence is on the other side of some fence or boundary from existence is easily exposed when you realize that there is no line or boundary between existence and non-existence!. If the boundary existed, would it have existence or non-existence!? It would be part of existence!. If it exists then there must be another boundary to the other side of it, and on ad infinitum!.

Of course on a lighter note, if you don't exist then you can be a God!. So, in that sense, you can say that non-existence is better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is better to not Exist but to LIVE life!. I am someone that lives life, I do not want to exist it because I don't like living in the square that everyone else exists in, if you live life you can see outside the square, it doesn;t matter how rich you are or poor you can appreciate everything around you because you can see it differently to those who just exist life, I have always chosen to live, not exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Non existence is neutral, so existing can be better or worse!. What is really interesting is how powerful nonexistence is!. In every atom in your body electrons are winking in and out of existence!. The probability of their next showing up here instead of there is influenced by the potential places the particle COULD be, or what are known as potential particles!. Potential particles don't "exist" but they help determine which place the electron is going to "appear" from millisecond to millisecond!. So nonexistent particles (there are many many more of them than "actual" particles,) get a vote!.

Reminds me a bit of the electoral college system!. You're vote is meaningless, but it determines what an "actual" voter, meaning an elector, does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess "to not exist" means to cease your existence!. I'm not sure if not existing could be counted as a thing that can be done, so saying "to" before it seems strange and it sounds grammatically incorrect to me!. Existence is only limited by our perceptions of it, so our existence can be whatever we are able to achieve!. Obviously somethings are debatably better not to exist, but making that judgement call is difficult to make!. To cut a long story short it is basically better for a person or thing to exist as long as it has no detrimental effects upon the existence of other things!. Making a value judgement upon the existence of things is difficult, but I believe that anything that has a higher level of beneficial aspects to it has a greater need to exist and that is a way we can give a value to our existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

profound question!. To not exist would mean that you would not be able to ask yourself this same question!. and would not matter!. That should suggest that to exist is better!. But then we realize that nobody exists forever (wont get into religion discussion)!. and not only that, but that our world is doomed for extinction some day in the future, millions of years perhaps but it is inevitable!. People argue that mankind will find a way to go to other planets and that the species will survive!. But can't do it forever since the known universe is expanding since the big bang, but its decelerating and eventually will start to collapse until it goes back to its original state making all life extinct!.

So!.!.!. why exist!? only to preserve this existence for a period of time!? no mater how long but it will end, no question about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is always better to exist than not to, unless you are in bad health!. Then you might not feel that way!. We are created with a desire for self preservation and a love of life!. Our purpose is to help fellow inhabitants of Earth as you would want them to help you!. That is one way to make life worth living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends!. Do you want to!? I would like both, ecause, what am i to do if i don't exist!? I wont even know i do exist i wont even be able to think that!. but i dont want to because we humans are killing the earth to make our lives easier!. And all the the political guys are corrupt and all they care about is money, winning the war, and keeping their rank!. My opinion would go into environmental but this is the reason why i wouldn't like to exist!. maybe in another world!. If us humans were smarter and went a little lower on tech the earth would be a bit better!. So I would and wouldn't like to exist!. And fore a moment i went completely off topic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you did not exist, you would never know!. I believe we were all put here on this earth for a reason!. You have a reason for being here and you should live life to its fullest!. You do exist and you have no choice but to exist!. (O!.K!. suicide is a way out, but why!?) Please believe that you have reason to exist!. You have a purpose- we all do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you didn't exist you wouldn't know that you didn't exist, existing is much betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

if you live a good life, with good morals a good faith and good freinds and family,
life is good

otherwise it depends on youe mental stateWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's better to not exist because the Earth is messed up and life, in generel, sucks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely to exist!. To not exist can't be rated or defined as good or bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's best to exist!. Life is full of suprises!. Don't expect life to be pleasantville!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on how 'good' your life is!.!.!.

If your life is hell I would say no!.!.!.

however if you are enjoying life, then existence is bliss!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I don't remember non existence so that is kind of a loaded question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not exist! Exist create the problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is the question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com