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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why believe in a god?

Question: Why believe in a god!?
I am not a philosopher nor a psychologist!. I am simply a student who is in search of answers!. I do not mean to anger anyone!.

Considering 'survival of the fittest' or natural selection as it is best described, states that an animal (including us) who is best fitted to their environment will pass on their 'best features' that will aid their survival!. I do not see people who believe in a god to be "ignorant" - face it, 4/5 billion people believe in something!. But why!?

Philosophically and psychologically speaking, someone who believes in a god has a disadvantage through 'natural selection'!. They are more reliant on a god!. They cry during prayers when something wrong has happened to them etc!. This causes depression, high-blood pressure etc!.

Could it be that people need a 'higher powered' shoulder to cry on!? Are they afraid of death!?
also, face it, most people "suck up" to god!. They are afraid of going to the so-called place that has been ferociously described as "never ending pain"!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The world is not perfect and people's life is full of pain and suffering, so people wish to live in a world that is perfect!.
They also cannot accept death so an afterlife theory bring peace to their heart!.

Many things in the world are consider unknown, people fear the unknown!. So it bring people comfort to know all the unknown are created and control by someone they know!. Even though that someone is an imaginary being!.

People lack self-confidence and have doubt in themselves, so it bring them emotional peace to know that someone will help them when problems occurs!. Even though that someone is an imaginary being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Belief in a God does give some people comfort for the same reasons that a child takes comfort in their parents protecting them!. But it also limits them because they are prone to look for God to solve their problems for them!. Whether that belief is well founded, considering that bad things happen to good (or bad) people, I will leave to you to figure out!.

To me the question is whether we can become our own parents and assume the difficulties of raising ourselves to accomplish more than we thought possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a wise old man once asked me, "Why risk damnation when all that is asked for salvation is belief and a token of your earthly wherewithal given to the church!?"
While not sophisticated or erudite, you can philosophize all you want, but that's what it boils down to: a modicum of spiritual comfort in this life with a shot at immortality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is, there IS both a 'God' and a 'Goddess' who began what we call Creation!. Actually, pure energy beings of the epitome of evolution!.

The evolvement of their Creation becomes their grandest experiences of themselves, which was their sole intent!. They can 'Be' what they 'Know' thru that Creation!.

They care not of the hows, whys, what-ifs, or what have yous of any of it!.!.!.they are part of the All of It!. Sooo, with that in mind, they care not of particular human concepts, definitions, choices, or anything else of them--free-will choice grants total power of spirit Self to create of any & all of that which they choose to explore!.!.!.human is simply the body vehicle to experience of Selfs in the playground called Earth!.

And since 'we', in reality, are part of the realm of this 'God/Goddess', the only place to return after a journey abroad, is Home!.

This is a very generalized explanation, but hope it rings your soul chimes a tone or two!.!.!.

Good Journey!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've always heard that people who believe in a higher power are healthier and live longer!.!.!. Not that that proves there is one, nor should one believe on that basis!.

I can only speak for myself, but I believe in God because I have had a religious experience!.

Edit -- And you started off by saying you didn't want to anger anyone!.!.!. utterly fascinating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two possibilities!. people believe because either a)!. They need a parental figure to be responsible for them, because life is tough and they want to give the responsibilty for their problems to a higher power,
or b) there really is a god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All people have different reasons to believe in God, but all of them started the same way and it is because they had been taught to believe in God!. If you have been taught to believe in "X" and everyone around you believe in "X" you surely will believe it as a truth and you'll never take away something that has became part of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For many , many of us God is like an invisible reference Book!. For many of our questions our conventional books donot give any answers!. Why some are born in a rch family and why some poor!? Why a young child dies suddenly and a ripe old man lies in bed with diseases for years!. Why a mentally retarded child is born to some good person!? why this , why that!? We donot know the answer!.
We think someone had done these with a purpose but no one has seen that someone ever!. Over these thousands of years people wanted to identify with this faceless non entity and they named it God!.
Till recently they were seeking this God elsewhere outside in Churches , temples , mosques and viharas !.!.!.!.!.!. When they went to these places they found that they were being internalised !. now, many donot go to these places !. They are finding themselves and are realising that they are a part of that !.!.!.!. GodWww@QuestionHome@Com

I could take either side of the argument to say why people believe in something!.

I dont think its wrong to, in any way!. I think its an intelligent trait, in fact!. Its the pursuit of knowledge, of truth!. Scientists do it, as humans have been since the species began!. We use what we know, our observations, to draw conclusion about our world!. Its called hypotheses and inferential logic when scientists do it!. Its natural!.!.!. any intelligent species who thinks about the crazy questions of our existence will naturally derive a religion!. In many ways, religion is the rationalization of the world!.!.!. without laying credence or criticism to any ideology!.

Another reason people do it is out of desperation, a desire to believe that their life has more meaning and direction that it appears to have!. To comfort!. Fear of death!.

Which reason a religious person has should be the basis for scrutiny and criticism!.!.!. not the religious faith itself!. Some reasons are just blind and biased!.

Secondly, you have no idea how much of a religious doctrine might potentially be based on historical fact!. Who is to say if God does or doesnt actually exist, that he did or didnt actually part the Red Sea!. The scientifically unbiased truth of the matter is that we have no reason to assume he didnt!. Religion may be the way to go after all!.!.!.

Consider religion a theory!. As a theory, science has never disproven it!. On that fact alone, it wouldnt be rational of anyone to simply disregard the theory!.!.!. but atheists still do!. Why!? Because it doesnt jive with their biased opinions!.!.!. appeal to their emotion!.

Anti-theists have their blind desperate reasons for not wanting to believe, too!. To include fear of Gods wrath, the sadness of having been (or feeling) abandoned by God, the lack of religious inhibitions that free peoples choices and their lust of the physical world, some become emotionally calloused not having to regret or feel shame (which is a huge burden off)!.!.!. and simply enjoy the predictability that non-theistic science brings them (which is hardly different than the concept of destiny or gods-plan)

You see!? Different beliefs!.!.!. if not done for the right reasons!.!.!. are completely biased, ignorant, and blinding of truth!. People on both sides fight and fight heated to support their beliefs and undermine their opponents!.!.!. because it brings them comfort!.!.!. instead of letting things be the way they are!. Different beliefs but done for the same reasons, and having the same mentality toward opposition!.

People really need to see their own biases and try to see the truth!. Whether its theistic or non-theistic!. Without proof, there is only assumption!.!.!. and assumption leads to subjective policy, eventual war, and a failure to progress!.


And, I must ask you to site your sources!. You have made presumptions yourself!. Who ever said that prayer increases blood pressure or disease!?


You child!. -Youre- the one that mentioned disease (of the cardiopulmonary system)!.

And everyone experiences those problems in life, and it increases stress for everyone!. What does it have to do with people who pray!? How does prayer make it worse for them and not better!?

If you actually looked at REAL data, you would know that prayer actually comforts, reduces heart-pressure!. The religious community acts to comfort as well!. Those with nobody, not even a god, who does the same crying in their pillow every night, is no better off health-wise!. The support of religion is like the support of a therapist, a positive guide!. FACT: Religious people tend to live longer on average!.


Oh my god!.!.!. of course Im typing away on my keyboard!. I dont psychically put the words onto the internet!. If it takes more than three words to make an argument, then so be it!. If you want to ask a question in any seriousness, prepare to read!. If you dont want to read answers, dont ask questions!. Unfortunately, I cant explain well enough with coloring books!.

And all I said was that people should remain unbiased and open to theistic possibility!. No theory should be disregarded until its been exclusively disproven!. How is that "rubbish"!? If you think keeping an open mind to learn alternate things you may disagree with at first is (whine whine) unfair, then stick to playground banter and dont waste our time!.

And if youre going to flush my entire, perfect argument down the toilet on the sole basis you disagree that high-blood pressure is a disease!.!.!. then you ARE one of those bigots that use whatever they can to rationalize their preexisting beliefs and arbitrarily disregard opposing logic!.

I did read your question!.!.!. thoroughly!. And I understood it!. Obviously you cant say the same for my answer!. I cant help it you dont know the meanings of some words and think this is too much to read!. Pricks dont get second chances!. You dont have to agree with me, but dont get angry and offensive! I will boycott you if you dont want to hear intelligent answersWww@QuestionHome@Com

You assert that God causes more problems (high blood pressure, etc) than He solves!. However, many billions of people find solace in the idea of a God watching over them, giving their lives meaning!.

The truth is that, even for many people like myself who do not believe in a god, it is so difficult to look at the immense complexity and terrific beauty of the natural world and not wonder "How could all of this have come to be!? What existed in the nothingness before the Big Bang!? What caused the Big Bang!? If there is a force, an Unmoved Mover, would the right name for it be God!?"

Aristotle's proof for a Prime Mover (a divine, uncaused force) ran along these lines:

1!. There exists movement in the world!.

2!. Things that move were set into motion by something else!.

3!. If everything that moves was caused to move by something else, there would be an infinite chain of causes!. This can't happen!.

4!. Thus, there must have been something that caused the first movement!.

5!. From 3, this first cause cannot itself have been moved!.

6!. From 4, there must be an unmoved mover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com