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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which one of these actions is the sacrifice?

Question: Which one of these actions is the sacrifice!?
The situation:
Your country is in a war!. I will call freedom/rights the reason for the war!. Your country is founded on freedom and rights, the enemy will enslave you!. Is it a sacrifice to fight and die in the war!? Or would it be a sacrifice to decide not to fight and surrender your freedom to the enemy!?

Applying this to a concrete example:
In the movie 300, did Leonidas and his 300 "sacrifice"!? Or would it have been a sacrifice not to go!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wow!. i believe that when you fight and die for something you truly believe in preserving and protecting, it is a sacrifice of your body, but not your spirit!. By choosing not to fight or contribute to a war (in my opinion) that is to protect something important; you are sacrificing your spirit, and preserving your body!. In a way, both are sacrifices: just for different reasons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see both cases as a sacrifice!. In one case you sacrifice your life for your beliefs and you sacrifice your beliefs for your life!. It would come down to which you believed in, that would be the cause you see as the nobler reason or higher purpose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forget not that freedom is not to be equated with liberty!. Liberty is freedom with responsibility!. Freedom can be immoral!. So, specifically what "freedoms and rights" are you talking about!? Or were you referring to liberty!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Leonidas did not sacrifice his troops he "prepared them for glory"!. I really don't think it is a sacrifice to fight for what you believe or a way of life!. The sacrifice is in giving up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a sacrifice to do either!. The more noble sacrifice is to fight, You are sacrificing your life for the freedom of others!.

If you dont fight, you sacrifice your freedom for your own lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you do not fight, then you lose your country ANYWAY, so the true sacrifice would be that of your own life -- fighting for what you love and believe in!.

Never surrender your freedoms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a sacrifice to give your life so that others can live free!. Surrender would be to lay you weapons down and let them overrun your nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com