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Question: Tunnel of light!?
I've got a weird theory!. What if this 'tunnel of light' is nothing more than a metaphysical 'net' that captures the souls of dying people!. Think about it, what does everyone say!? Go towards the light! What if its white because of all the other souls being stuck there!? Souls are energy, bunches of energy put together would make a 'white light'!. The other option would be the tunnel of 'dark', what if that is just outer space!? What if that is really where we are supposed to go!? A journey into space to find the source of our souls!? Energy starts somewhere, and cannot be destroyed!. So what if this tunnel of light is just a major trap that everyone goes to in the confusion of death!? Just a weird thought, anyone else have any ideas!? Please no religious mumbo jumbo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well, it's not too crazy but it may not be such a bad thing!. and when i say that, it kinda sounded like you thought of the net theory as slightly negative!. but IF the whole soul thing is correct then i'm not sure if it's right to personify the essence of our being by saying the net is a negative thing!. if we die and in our repose a soul is left then we have clearly shed our mortal trappings so we become pure energy and what better place to store that energy than a net!. or maybe it's not even a net!.!.!.maybe it's the equivilant of a soul dance club where the souls are just kinda mingling about, transfering energy, and just simply existing!. or, the white light could simply be the brain's physicalization of what happens when no oxygen gets to the brain!. i do groove with the net, though!. but i want my net to be a party net not a doom net!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the book: Life After Life by Dr!.Raymond Moody!.It contains real incidents recorded on persons who 'died' and later recovered back!.You may also read The Tibetan Book of the Dead!. Theories/Hypothesis dont get you anywhere!.It is the reality you should follow!.If you can get a real yogi who is willing to teach you, you can practically experience this tunnel of light and find the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your speculation hardly qualifies as a theory, definitely not a scientific theory!.

Biochemistry provides a better explanation!. Oxygen starvation in a near death situation starts a shutdown of the neural processes!. This shutdown of visual processing causes the apparent image of a light at the end of the tunnel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything is possible!. I believe that we do not cease to "be" just because our earthly body has expired!.!.!.
and I think it helps some people to think there is somewhere we "go" in the afterlife!.!.!.since no one living has ever "been there"!.!.it's impossible to say with any certainty!.!.but you make a very interesting point to ponder!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what do you want me to say!?
this kind of philosophy is sort of impossible to argue about or discuss as it deals with things that we can't possibly know and has many factors that we need to just accept before even beginning to talk about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You mean no religious mumbo jumbo of a different stripe!? Religion is the source of the idea of the soul!. Science does not need a soul to explain life!. The energy you feel as your lifeforce comes from the food you eat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically you are asking where we go when we die!.!.!.!.
only your choice of religion can tell you what you want to know!.!.!.its different for all!. You can't explain metaphysical phenomenon with science, its a matter of faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in QM theory information can not be destroyed!. Edward Palonek http://palonek-edward!.ca/Www@QuestionHome@Com