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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does one thought lead to another for you? Can you think about this and see what

Question: Does one thought lead to another for you!? Can you think about this and see what you think about it!?
Can two souls be as one even millions of miles away, even in the dead of night, even when the seas don't roll to shore and the trees don't grow leaves any more!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, like you, the thought process for me is inherently visual, with one thought or idea careening recklessly into the ones ahead, like vehicle after vehicle violently piling up along the interstate on a dreadfully foggy morning, with driver after driver visualizing and conceptualizing the impact as they emerge for that millisecond from the fog, understanding the enormity of the life altering event that is about to transpire, but without adequate time to react!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this, is simple answer!. No, because if the tree leaves stopped growing we would all just die! lol j/k j/k!.!.

They cannot be one because they would be their own consecutive souls, unless your speaking of tha jey stuff people call love!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com