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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can we let this happen again for any reason?

Question: Can we let this happen again for any reason!?
this is a song which was released in 94 i think called Zombie by the cranberies about the situation in Northern Ireland, but the video is made up of pictures from many wars!.
so my question is can we let War, violence, and hatred last!?
and what do you think of this i thought up!?
Peace through war is fear, and with fear their is no peace!.
As always I ask this with Metta/Loving Kindness!.
(((((May all beings be safe, and well)))))
thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the world is just a phenomena!.
when events happen, it's inevitable!.
the roots of Wars , violence and hatred lie in each individual self!.
i can only uprooted the evil within me!.
i can't teach the world what to see!.
But surely, i can inspire love to the one next to me!.
my work alone is so trivial!.
would you join me in promoting such loving kindness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There will always be someone out their who can't be peaceful and because of that we can't obtain perfect peace!. Tranquility is fragile and all it takes is one aggressor to shatter it!. I agree that we should do our best to be peaceful ourselves, and let everyone else do whatever they want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

only those who understand history can learn from it!. I live in Belfast, (have never seen the video, but have heard the song, didnt get NI from it, I have to say), my children both go to integrated schools and are being brought up knowing tolerance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We can only control what we do - not what others do!. To do our part to perfect the world, we must work to perfect ourselves - and that takes a very long time:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

by letting go, it all gets done!.!.!.!.
the world is won by those who let go!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Couldn't access your link; but this is where I live although I am not from here!. Before the ceasefire it was very frightening I have had a young Brit army soldier pointing an enormous gun in my face through the open car window!.

I think you can only work face to face with other people and a lot of the violence here went off at night in secret by highly trained and motivated individuals!.

What could anyone out of the loop do!? We cannot stop things happening/ Can only work with what comes our way - but I do think it is more positive than might be thought!.

Because of the interplay of war violence and hatred with other ways of being we have managed to stop many inhumane actions but I think we need to evolve quite a bit more and that will take time!.

I think its the 'can we let!?' of your question that i find difficult
as if you think we have even more responsibility than that we have already taken!.

yes I think your made up homily is pithy and rings true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remember when that song/video came out, LOL- takes me back!

I agree with your quote, however given the very nature of our reality a dream of world peace is just not applicable!.
That's not to say we shouldn't work for peace, we just shouldn't expect those who promote war to change their ways in this lifetime; its like asking lions not to fight for dominion of the pride!. Though each of us in intelligent enough to understand the need and the logic in peace most of us still do not have the capacity for peace!. We can shout about making the world a better place across the mountains with a megaphone but most of us as soon as we step off that saop box will lash out at the first person who cuts us off in line!.
There is also the passion of love to consider, when one has loved ones like children and a wife they become an attachment that cannot be given up!. When you have a family it becomes " you and yours" and you feel the need to defend it from others!. This, on a lager scale can be said to account for some of the wars in this world such as the one the Cranberries were singing about!.
The reasons for war can be complicated and they can be simple but either way we all live in a great lions' den!. some of us have grown past being lions but most of us have not!.
The best of us can be like Geshe Chekhawa and wish to be born in hell so as to try saving everyone but the average person has many things to do and it is enough to be mindful of your own actions and help those who it is in your power to help!. It reminds me of the serenity prayer (minus the god stuff)
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!."
