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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think the current state of man's evolution has been reached naturally

Question: Do you think the current state of man's evolution has been reached naturally!?
Or do you think there has been a little or a lot of manipulation genetically or other wise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I don't think everything has evolved naturally!. At least not since the advent of nuclear physics!. There had to be mutations caused by the atom bomb and by the accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power plants that would not have occurred otherwise!.

Obviously since scientists unlocked the key to DNA they just had to start experimenting with it!. There are pluses and minuses I suppose!.

Anyway, to stay on point with your question, I do believe that there has been quite a bit of genetic manipulation and other shenanigans going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our current state, according to Curtis Edward Clark,* is purely psychological!. We are the same forensically as the pre-Socratics, tho we may have grown a bit!.

Clark says the evolution was from "Homo sapiens," into the sub-species we are now--"Homo sapiens sapiens!."

The double "sapiens" means consciousness of consciousness, which is what man gained with his "thinking about thinking," and the pre-Socratics invented that!.

"Sapiens" comes from "sapient," meaning having awareness!. But in the end, the purpose of "having awareness" is knowledge, and guess what!? "Sapience" means knowledge gained and retained!. So the double "sapience" means knowledge upon knowledge!.

Who knows when our next physical evolution will happen!? It usually is the environment that determines evolution!. The Greeks were able to have a psychological evolution because the knowledge of man to that point provided an environment in which men could finally, after 2!.5 million years, have time to think about thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Mankind has not reached unity with the environment!. Socially mankind has not found peace nor understanding towards fellow man!. Evolution is not only a physical change but a mental change!. Genetic manipulation will ultimately reduce disease and strengthen the gene pool!. It will not help us Evolve!.Technically there would have to be a 3% difference In the DNA between a human today and a human being born tomorrow to be called evolution!. A change of hair color or longer fingers and toes is part of natural selection!. All that information is already stored in our current DNA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To really answer that, biologically speaking, we'd have to study hundreds of years of human evolution!. As a species in general (or at least in industrialized countries), we've gotten taller by a few inches!. I can't think of anything worth mentioning beyond that, but it's not my area of study!.
Certainly, the impact of technology and social media has changed human existance, but it's far from "natural!."
Natural processes work slowly, and in reaction to the environment!. Humans are adept at changing their environment!. So I guess a good question is, do the two definitions coincide!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think once we created technology we started to evolve not neccessarily backwards but on a new path!. and i believe this path helped humans but as far as nature is concerned and as far as true evolution is concerned that was the end of our evolution!. we kinda replaced our natural evolution with technology evolution!. and since its not natural it isnt true evolution but there arent many others words i can use to substitute it!. but strip us of technology and were still pretty much exactly the same as we were 3 thousand years ago!. small changes have happened tho, like height and skin colour!. slavery led to a new breed of super athletes and since we love it we continue it!. but in general we've sacrificed our bodies for our brains!. most are weaker than we should be!. they may be smart but in a situation of survival and life computers cant help you!. and its easy to assume our world is larger and more important than the natural world but that just isnt the case!. were nothing more than a really large ant farm and we still have to bow at natures knees!. dont believe me ask katrina victoms!. ask the sunami victoms!. earthquakes, floods, blizzards all these things that kill thousands of people and dont even notice their doing it!. we may have better toys but were no less at the mercy of nature than anything thing else!. maybe if we evolved naturally we'd at least be able to notice the warning signs alil better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No direct 'genetic manipulation' but the social and technological landscape have an increasingly large influence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man's evolution has been static in the biology state !. Sure because of nutritional changes people's physical shapes have changed !.Www@QuestionHome@Com