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Question: Is it possible to be happy!.!.!.!?
When you feel like nothing is going right and will never get better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
rockii, your name is a dot!.!.!. that's not a good sign!.!.!.!.

the closest to happiness we can get is one step behind, it's up to us to get there through our own accordance if we fall behind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NOTHING is going right
things will NEVER get better!?
Just look at the power you have given those statements!. I bet there ARE things in your life which ARE "going right" but you are missing them!. And as for never getting better, how do you know that!? You can't see the future, you don't know what is up ahead!.

You have to make yourself find and see a light at the end of the tunnel, even if its only a flickering candle!. Things CAN, do, and WILL change!. Absolutely nothing stays the same forever!.

Just think of it like this - if you have had crap for ages, then it must be time for things to turn around very soon!. Law of averages and all that!. You have to stick round long enough to allow things to change!.

The best thing you can do is try to get on with doing things which might lead to you finding more happiness, in spite of feeling crap and negative!. You can't change how you feel right now, but you can change what you DO about it!. You can make yourself DO things and hope that by doing so, you help shift the negative feelings towards more positive ones!. You have to keep getting up and keep on trying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely!!! But you have to make it happen!. I've been where you are and I know it sucks, but you have to look at your life and find the good things no matter how small and concentrate on those things!. Take one day at a time and don't let problems overwhelm you!. It's not easy, but it is possible!.

If you decide you want to be happy, you will!. It's all about attitude!.

Abraham Lincoln said, "People are about as happy as they decide to be"

It's true!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.think about it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pursuit of happiness sometimes seems like the carrot dangling in front of the donkey situation--as though it is never attainable!. Sometimes we can experience a deeper underlying happiness if we just learn to not expect too much and learn how to count our blessings so to speak!. Buddha is claimed to have said that desire is the cause of all suffering!. If we didn't desire that which is not happening in the everpresent present tense (the now), then we would never be dissappointed by not getting whatever it is we desired, and we would not tire from had made an effort to cause it to happen!. It is not easy to get rid of desire!. It is the tarbaby of all tarbabies!. Even the desire to get rid of desire is a desire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is possible and believe me when I say you will be happy!!!!! Throughout our lives we are all challenged and these challenges can either make us stronger or leave us devastated!. The key is to stay strong and occupied!. Just remember that crisis is temporary!. There is light at the end of the tunnel!. There will always be ups and downs in our lives and the point is to cherish the good times and learn from the bad!. Keep your chin up and stay positive;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I think!. Life has lot of aspects!. See the other aspects in your life and think how good are they!. I have some parts that I think it will never go right and never get better but I still happy sometime!. I have some good friends that they understand me even though they know nothing about me!. They just be with me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's not!. It's possible to add some more moments of happiness!.
But to be happy gives off the message of a permanent state of happiness, and there is no such a thing!. To be happy is a goal everyone is supposed to be found running towards it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need to enrich your soul , to feed it with what I assure you 100% will make you the happiest person on earth!.!.!. it is ISLAM!.!. I advice you just to give it some time and to read about Islam, this religion will give you the true meaning of life , the true facts about life!.!. that we are created to worship God(Allah), the only one God of this universe, that knows evreything and controls everything , the most powerful, merceful, and loving!.!. by worshiping God the way it is in Islam , you will have a good relation with him , so imagine it , you are with a strong relation with the most powerful who owns everything in this whole universe ,, so you'll ask him and he will give you, he will ease life for you , take away your problems and make you happy,, in Islam you will learn that this life , this short life , is just like a testing period , just a test , to see who makes good and worships God, and who doesn't and just worship other figures, or money, or materialism!.!.!. you'll learn that by Islam, you'll pass this test, and then you'll live a non ending eternity life in heaven where you'll be more than happy, so you'll feel by islam that this life is not your goal and it doesn't worth your sadness, so you'll learn patience and try to come over what ever problems you face with the help of God(ALLAH)!.!.your goal will be heaven, so you'll not feel sad on this life!.!.!.
Anyway, there is alot to say, I just advice you to take a look at islam try to know it from the internet or you can go to a mosque and ask muslims ther or you can contact me on my email and I would be more than happy to help you

I ask Allah to make you happy , make you pass all the problems, open the doors for you, and open your heart to know him better!.!.!.
Wishing you all the best

Samer AzizWww@QuestionHome@Com

ill be strait up, whatever happened to you will probably be very painful for a while!. and a lot of people say to hang out with friends or keep yourself busy, that helps but not quite enough!. only thing that will ultimately help is time!. so just try to hang on until the pain is over, ive been there and i know how it feels!. i hope this helps =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone feels that way sometimes, to be completly honest i was feeling that way about 20 minutes ago!. Sometimes you have to count your blessing!. if you don't have any blessing just try to figure out a way to make things better!.Life is nothing if you don't make something of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think anything is possible, but it really depends on the individual since we're all different!.

I feel like I've been dragging a heavy load for ages and that's all I can do!.!.!.!.!.just drag it!.!.!.!.!.I just keep going and going!.!.!.!.never stopping!.!.!.!.it gets easier, it makes me happy that it gets easier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stay positive mate!. You have a computer with internet and are able to type and function mentally- all plus points! You aint homeless, starving in Somalia, etc!.!. Perspective mate- there is always going to be someone better off and worse off than you are!. Be grateful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure!. You go into nature and admire the beauty of the sky , flowers and trees and for a while your troubles melt away into the universe and remember that beauty is truth!. Then you get some courage and off you go to try again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you gave the answer yourself :o

just change the "feelings"! change it into "everything will be alright, and someday things will get better"
it will bring a bit of happiness atleast!.

Yes it is possible to be happy even if things are not going to plan!.You are happy to be alive and well and you will look for ways to solve your problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've been there and even tho it feels like it cant get any better
it does in time honest im livin proof just try and keep ur head up and think positive thoughts it will get betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anything is possible if you try! (In life)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are what you think!.!.!.!.your emotions are a feedback of what you project in the futurWww@QuestionHome@Com

just find your way through and relax!. just enjoy what you have to enjoy and keep onWww@QuestionHome@Com

tomorrow always bring happiness trust in God and remember what don't kill us makes us strongerWww@QuestionHome@Com