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Position:Home>Philosophy> What words describe nature and peaceful setting for you? something that reminds

Question: What words describe nature and peaceful setting for you!? something that reminds you of love and peace!.!.!.!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nature is not peaceful in a quiet sense!.
To be enjoyed you must be watchful and alert!.
The ocean is not peaceful and calm!. It's vast!.
Waves crash on the shore!.
It's about understanding and acceptance that brings peace!. Knowing that the ocean brings more treasures ashore then it takes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anything connected to animals and plants coexisting with us in a peaceful environment
The words would be: tranquil, sounds of purring, contented sighs, chattering of birds, finding nesting places for the night, sometimes the sounds of raindrops, wind, distant howling of wolves, owls screeching, fire crackling, pages of a book turning, classical music, piano pieces, violin pieces, or any strings , wind, and percussion instrument pieces!. They have to be mted , much background than foreground noises, almost not there at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love and peace don't go together!. Love goes only with passion!. Peace goes with freedom!. If passion could be trusted, I would go for peace and passion!. But passion is not subject to the will!. Therefore, peace and freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


tranquility is my one word for that!Www@QuestionHome@Com