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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you love Jesus Christ, worship him and still LIE, cheat and steal?

Question: Can you love Jesus Christ, worship him and still LIE, cheat and steal!?
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Some people do that all the time!!! Drunk on Saturday repentant on Sunday!. Look at all the boy molesters in the clergy that claim to love Jesus but don't have much love for the boys they hurt!. The Christian religion is full of liars, cheats, murderers, whore mongers and thieves !. They are just as dishonest with themselves as they are being to the lord they profess to love and fear so deeplyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. you can justify almost any action depending on the religion you worship also even if that action you wish to take is not part of the religious teachings people tend to modify the religion to suit the actions they wish to take and then rationalize it by dictating something from the religion that could have more then one meaning, after that happens it's almost impossible for them to see the error in the ways and most people would rather resort to violence against the religion or try to convert them to their religion, the second of the two only serves to make them angrier!. This tends to be a big reason for religious conflict!.

Add on: I also see that only answers that contain religious mombo jumbo and are deluded will be given postive ratings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As long as you live in that mortal body of yours you can and will!.

If by "Loving Jesus," you mean accepted Him as savior, then it means that you WILL sin till the day you die, but the difference is that you now have a mechanism to deal with that sin, and that is His blood!.

If you've accepted His Lordship into your life, then ease and frequency of your sin will show it!.

If by "Loving Jesus," you mean you've walked an aisle and said a prayer, but are completely unchanged inside, then those people are the hypocrites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People who supposedly love JC do it all the time!. There are tons of news stories about preachers, priests, etc!. who do immoral things!. I know many avid churchgoers who are dishonest!. One of my coworkers is the biggest self-proclaimed Baptist I have ever seen, and he is constantly gossiping!. He also cheats our company by not working as hard as others and not putting in his time!.

I think some people are big churchgoers to look good in front of others and think that because they go three times a week Jesus will forgive them for anything!. So yeah, just because someone professes their love for Jesus and goes to church every time it is open doesn't mean you can trust them!.

Now are people like this going to heaven!? That's up to the people upstairs, and nobody on earth really knows for sure!. It's possible they can be forgiven if they pray and realize they have done wrong and are sorry!. I believe the Baptist religion says you can receive forgiveness if you believe Jesus died on the cross for us and ask forgiveness for your sins!. I grew up in a very closed minded Church of Christ, and we were taught if you commit any sin at all you will go straight to hell unless you are baptized again!. I'm sure all C of C do not teach this, but mine did!. I no longer go to church because I just can't find one I like going to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Everyone does bad things!.!.!. because whether you see it or not- everything you do affects someone else!.

And with Christianity being the most popular religion, there are a whole lot of bad things that happen by those who love Jesus!.

I don't mean to be offensive- eveyone does bad things!. Its part of being human!. Whether you believe in any religion or none at all- we all lie, cheat and steal!.

But we don't need to worship G-d to be forgiven or fix our mistakes!. We should ahve enough faith in ourselves to fix what is wrong with the world!.

After all, we should try to better ourselves, right!? Isn't that what He wants!? For us to become better people!?

G-d helps those who help themselves!Www@QuestionHome@Com

People should just do the best they can!.

Unfortunately, worshiping Jesus is not as effective as listening to what he preached!. There is a difference!. The first comes from Pauline theology of sacrifice for sins, but the second is based on Luke 4:43 in which Jesus said that he came to teach!.

Fortunately, his Original Kingdom Gospel does change a person so that they can get away from their old habits!. This resource will explain the difference between worshiping Jesus and listening to him!.!.!. and there's a big difference!. http://gospelenigma!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jesus had to die for Us because of the sin in the world ( and in our lives) We are far from perfect like He was!.
We WILL ALL make mistakes from time to time and need his forgiveness!.!.!. 70 x 7 times Jesus said to forgive!.!.!. 7 is a biblically perfect number and I believe He was trying to make a point and meant to forgive and much as it takes!.!.!.
HOWEVER, if a person Continually and Knowingly does these things Even Though they Know they shouldn't be, then I believe that though they may tell themself that they love Jesus, they actually do not understand fully what it means to love him!.!.!.
God , Did Say!.!.!. " If you Love me/believe in me, then you will obey my commands" !.!.!.
It is all about your "heart"!.!. Thats where God "looks!.!.!."
In Psalms, King David killed, commited adultery and so on, however, God said He loved David because David had a "heart after his own"!.!.!.
In other words David made mistakes, Yes !.!.!. However, He had a heart to Please God and Overall tried His best to please God with his life and BECOME a better man as time progressed!.!.!.
If you are not "growing" / taking steps to change yourself, I believe God will not be pleased!.!.!. Someone who loves God apllies effort into their lives to change and seek help to overcome their shortcomings/sin!.!.!.
Hope that somehow helps!?!? Kinda rambled a bit probably!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. You can go to your priest and he will forgive you for the sins you have done!. So yes if you go to confession!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"yes"!. Those people are called hypocrites and shouldn't be trusted!. Usually people who say this are fake and phony and only mean it on the outside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"yes" that's the human nature "born to make mistakes" but only God knows who has a true heart!. God also gave us free will, so let these kind of people face their consequencesWww@QuestionHome@Com

ofcourse noy you will BURN IN HELL FIRE AND YOU WILL BE CALLED A HIPOCRITE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course! Religion has nothing to do with morality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

JESUS says in His word!.!.!.if you love me you'll keep my commandents!.!.!.also,if you dont want to sin stay out of the devils orchardWww@QuestionHome@Com