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Position:Home>Philosophy> Was ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY superior to Modern Philosophy?

Question: Was ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY superior to Modern Philosophy!?
Do you think that ancient philosophers were wiser!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes--and no!.

"The conflict of Aristotle versus Plato is the conflict of reason versus mysticism!. It was Plato who formulated most of philosophy’s basic questions—and doubts!. It was Aristotle who laid the foundation for most of the answers!. Thereafter, the record of their duel is the record of man’s long struggle to deny and surrender or to uphold and assert the validity of his particular mode of consciousness!."

"Throughout history the influence of Aristotle’s philosophy (particularly of his epistemology) has led in the direction of individual freedom, of man’s liberation from the power of the state !. !. !. Aristotle (via John Locke) was the philosophical father of the Constitution of the United States and thus of capitalism !. !. !. it is Plato and Hegel, not Aristotle, who have been the philosophical ancestors of all totalitarian and welfare states, whether Bismarck’s, Lenin’s or Hitler’s!."
Review of J!.H!. Randall’s Aristotle,
The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1963

Teacher and student, ancient Greeks, set the tone for every philosophical debate to come after them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ancients had relative peace and social cohesion!. A stronger racial identity and refined spiritual intuitiveness!. Modern day philosophy is insipidly diluted to pander to the tastes of the less than philosophical and erudite!. A return to the augmentation of spirituality is met with fierce opposition by the vicarious and vociferous lower quantative carnal nature, with accusations of elitism!.

Notable western philosophers frequently travelled eastwards to complete their spiritual and intellectual growing process!. There are no outstanding or laudable modern day philosophers in the west!. The west in entirely focuse on consumerism and materialistic reward!. The high towers or modern condo’s of the west cannot begin to compete with the splendour of ancient architecture, consumer durables bring little peace at such huge expense and extensive debating, talking and speculation brings westerners not our of their spiritual darkness or ignorance!.

Ancient and Eastern, spanning from Russia, Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean remain superior albeit modest and out of vogue in the maintaining of their cultures, traditions, and the peace amongst their peoples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the measure of a philosophy is the number of vowels it has in its title:

Ancient Philosophy has FOUR different vowels

Modern Philosophy only has THREE vowels!.

Ancient is obviously superior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure whether we could say that they were actually superior to modern day philosophers, however, when we think about it, the ancient philosophers theories and ideas are still being taught and learnt today, so they must be very good!. I also think that the modern day philosophers learnt from the ancient philosophers, so yes ,, maybe ancient philosophy is slightly superior to today's philosophy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For their time they were!. They possessed something that modern philosophy does not, they were FEW in numbers!. However, the modern philosophy stands at a threshold that I am sure anyone of the ancients would of loved to of been, being that they were lovers of the questions and answers!.!.!.!.that is "we, you and I, the mere common of the masses, along with the thinkers and formers of the modern philosophy of today, stand at a point in time that allows us the privilege to have access to all the knowledge, they knew, and all those that came after !.!.!.all the great thinkers of Earth!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe in their thought patterns, but we have allot more knowledge to work with now, then what they had back then!.!.!.

They had their examples, but we have new ones, and the old ones!.!.!.the more we know, the more we have to work with!.

so as the ancient philosophers might say!.!.!.define superior!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well let's put it this way - ancient philosophers are finished thinking and modern philosophers are just getting started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com