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Question: Is ignorance, bliss!?
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What is "bliss" about being kept in the dark!. I would far rather have the full truth and KNOW so that I can make an informed decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not always- you can be suffering, but be ignorant of the cause!. In that situation, wisdom would help to alleviate the suffering!.

When you eventually do find out whatever you have been ignorant of, the shock is worse, and if you never find out, then you can have lived your whole life as a charade- happy but hollow!. The respondent who has the Thomas Gray quote up there 'When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise!.' that pretty much sums it up!. Thus, when ignorance is not bliss, it is not foolish to be wise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think bliss is maybe too strong!. Ignorance is certainly less painful, but it is also often cowardly and honest!. Overcoming those things of which we are ignorant brings an education unavailable anywhere else!.
also, ignorance can be dangerous!. Imagine if doctors, scientists or teachers took the view 'Ignorance is bliss' - progress would be impossible!.
Knowledge is surely one of the greatest things we can aspire to, and unfortunately this romantic notion, although often true, prohibits this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hard one to answer without coming out contradicting yourself!.

Ignorance definitely seems to be "bliss" though that depends on HOW you would the define bliss, I think!.

Though i think, yes it's bliss - if only because bliss is mindless and completely overwhelming!. There is no calculating thoughts in bliss, just a seemingly blank state of happiness, so if ignorance is something blank, then ignorance is bliss (!?)

Bliss cannot be felt if you are aware of all the problems in your life or the world!. So ignorance is something that can induce bliss!. (Argh, now I'm just repeating myself!. I'll stop while I'm ahead!.)

Hope that made some sort of sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No,ignorance isn't bliss!.Why!?People in power can manipulate,cajole,twist words,threaten,rebuke,play on peoples fears,tread them into the ground etc!. I like to know the ins and outs of anything I do,and will only work from a position of knowledge and not ignorance!.For too long people treated me like a first class twat and I now don't ever let it happen!.Nobody now keeps me under their thumb and enjoys it like they once did!.

I speak up,say my piece,yell it from the rooftops, put people in their place,tell them what they're going to do and when they're going to do it or else (usually when complaining about bad business practices),have my say,make and put my point across,hammer home the fact that I'm more often right than wrong etc!.What I don't know,I now find out!.I work from a position of strength and not weakness,fact and not fiction,truth and not lies and half-truths!.

No,ignorance isn't bliss!. Knowledge is bliss!

Alan LWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to say "no"

Purely by the dictionary definitions, bliss being a state of extreme ecstasy; ignorance being "uneducated or uninformed" - I would never say that you'd get a feeling of extreme pleasure from not knowing something; you might feel better not knowing - but as you do not know you don't know, how can you attribute this feeling to ignorance!?

There are many things in this world, both good and bad, which those who are ignorant will miss out on!. Yes no-one wants to know bad things, but some of the good things we know about are far likely to create a state of bliss from knowing than a state of ignorance ever could!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People always say, 'what you don't know, can't hurt you' sooo id say yes!.

however id rather know some things, like if a guy was cheating, or if there was something wrong in society, because then you can put things right and stand up for whats best for others too, not just you!.

but generally, as long as you are happy and enjoy life, and take care of others, thats the best thing :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a superficial level of it that is easily destroyed by harsh realities!. Anything worthwhile has a firmer foundtion!. Someone said ignorant people have little that worries them!. That is not always true!. I have seen a couple of relatives who tried to find things for concern!. I told one that if he knew as much as I do, he could really find things about which to worry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my experience, the more ignorant u r, the better off u are!.!.!.!.!. I know there r people out to hurt u, but THINK, do u really want to wot schemin conivin people r out there!.!.!. i certainly dont sometime i say, PUT THAT HEAD IN THE SAND lololol xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise!. Thomas Gray

I think so, you can't worry about the things that you don't know about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one are knowledgeable and talented everytime!. Some or other day or in some thing, they are ignorant!. Some time we need to be ignorant!. If anyone is not having this feature, he won't live happily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is better not to know the knowledge that can hurt you!. Serious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for the individual ,yes but most of the time people dont stay ignorant for long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Its always worked for me lolWww@QuestionHome@Com