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Position:Home>Philosophy> If humans have hundreds of dreams every night but we don't remember them why

Question: If humans have hundreds of dreams every night but we don't remember them why do we remember only some of them!?
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As Ashhhhhh said above, dreaming can be scientifically explained by R!.E!.M!. and when we don't dream the eye movement is slower, thats why we dream with our eyes closed!.

We remember some because, the memories from them sometimes sneak out of that little crevis in the brain we call the "imagination" (take note during dreams the brain is have some super crazy actions going on, thats why we can sort of feel if not completely the dream, and even for many see it in 3rd person point of view but still hear your own thoughts!.!.!. AHh), and sneak into the memory!. Some people can remember and entire dream while others don't even remember sleeping!. Dreams are the time when the brain is highly active while the body is unconsious!.!.

Far as the hundreds, some have one extremely long one while others have them bunchs!. I have a better question (if that can be possible) how come dreams can end perfectly with real life, when your supposed to wake up with alarm, thats the scariest thing in the world!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You actually only dream during the R!.E!.M Phase of sleep [Rapid Eye movement] and I can't exactly tell you why we only sometimes remember certain dreams!. But have you ever been awake for a few hours, and then BAM a part of your dream comes back to you!? That's happened to me a few times!.

If youre really interested in this dream stuff, I would suggest purchasing a dream analyzing book and keeping a dream diary!. I have one of the books myself, and it interprets every single part of your dream!. It's really neat! For example, a barking dog could mean you'll be betrayed by one of your friends!. Doughnuts mean you'll be traveling in the near future, etc etc!. And as for the dream diary, basically you just sit and write down every little thing you remember from your dream in as much detail as possible, then go through the book and determine the meanings!. This may help you remember your dreams better, if that's what you wanted!. If you just want to know why we only remember some of them, well I think it depends on what message your subconscious is trying to convey to you!. The dream anaylzer book will help with that, since you'll be able to pick apart the different clues from each dream and put them together again!. It's really pretty neat, oddly enough everything in your dream usually is connected to each other!. [Unless youve just watched a movie about aliens and then you dream about aliens, that's just your imagination working over time!.]

I've had some dreams come true before, nothing really huge but it's still a weird experience!. I think deja vu has sometihng to do with that too!. Anyways, I hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The hippo-campus is responsible for processing new memories!. Since not all parts of our brain sleep at the same level it is possible for two things to happen involving the hippo-campus!. First, we can can wake up in the middle of the night, do something like shift our bodies, and then completely forget about it because the hippo-campus was still asleep!. Second, the hippo-campus could be in an alert state due to some stimulus from a dream and you will remember that dream well, even more than when you shifted your body or even went to the bathroom!. People who have had serious damage to their hippo-campus can't create new memories!. Oddly, they remember everything from before the trauma to the brain but are unable to remember what happened yesterday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freud said that the dreams we remember are the ones that hold some meaning or are close to our hearts in some way!.

Most dreams you have are unimportant!. They could just form from a small thought you had before drifting into sleep!.
However, there are some that form from thoughts that lie in your unconcious mind!. They are thoughts or memories that mean so much to you that, when exposed within a dream, you remember it and cherish it by choosing never to forget it!.

I've had dreams like that!. But only six of them!.
They're rare!. When you have a dream like that, choose to never forget!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Exactly because dreams are too common!. Everybody dreams every time he or she is asleep!. Then, dreams are but glimpses of memories filed away into the subconscious popping up in dreams and getting filled back to return over and over again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One reason is that mostly the one dreams we remember is the ones we wake up in the middle of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com