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Question: Are you a skeptic!?
are u a skeptic or a believer!?!?!? elaborateWww@QuestionHome@Com

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At my core nature I'm a skeptic!.!.!.but then again am i really!? haha the fun never stops in skepticism!.!.!.however, I'm aware that skepticism is a quick path to insanity so i try to separate my skepticism and belief into 2 categories!.!.!.

So i do believe in things, but I'm still skeptical about my belief, basically what i consider as believing in something, is what i see as the highest probability of being true!.!.!.so the closest thing I'll get to believing is 99 percent, but I'll consider that as a belief in hope to maintain my sanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being a skeptic is such a bore and has far too many hang-ups!. I believe everything I think and anything anyone says (and it should be noted that I often think people are lying)!.

But just because I believe something doesn't mean I care, nor does it supersede my personal values and relationships!.

Everything is real to someone, so it's silly to invalidate anything just because some douche at a University can't prove it!.!.!. but just because something's "real" doesn't mean it's a natural law, if that makes sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I believe in some things, whereas other things I am skeptical about!. For instance,

The claim that 'there is a computer in front of me right now,' I am, strictly speaking, a skeptic!. I have epistemic doubt towards that proposition!.

The claim that 'I do not exist,' I am not skeptical about - however - I am skeptical of the claim that ' I am a human being' because 'I' [ that is, 'me'] could still exist even if the proposition that 'no humans exist right now' were true (why and how is this!?) Because, essentially, the specific properties that make me 'me' are not wholly dependent on my being a human - it is quite possible that I am a something else (although that should seem odd, as it is odd, but still an open possibility: one that I have not ruled out)!.!.!.

So, I am skeptical about many things - yet, other things I am not skeptical about!.

Can one rationally be skeptical of this proposition: ' All unmarried men are bachelor's'!? When they are aware that 'unmarried man' means 'bachelor'!.!.!.I think not!.!.!.but not everything is so definitive!.

For a neat introduction to the skeptical problems see: http://plato!.stanford!.edu/entries/skepti!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Skeptic - 30,000 plus gods is a lot to have to churn through - it is that more than anything that put s me off and also the fact that I don't really make much distinction between reality and fiction anyway - I can happily accept them all - just dont want to back any particular one - and worship them - it seems most absurd that people have fought and killed over their choice of god!.

also hte peopel who talk about god in terms i can transpose to my own view of life- just reinforce my scepticism - why have a god when you can think all those things without!.
Each god exhorts believers to be peaceful have humility etc!. then we have the reality of the divisions - My gods better than yours - therefore i am better than you!.
It will all end in tears - far better to be without!.

I have never met anyone who believed who by their being ness and what they did made me think there was anything different about them to anyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess you could say I'm a sceptical believer!.

I believe that anything is possible!. Any religion or belief may have truth to it!. But I also believe it could be all false!. We can't prove or disprove religion or beliefs, and for all we know there could be something more to this life than we know, there may very well be a divine being or several divine beings!. But then perhaps there isn't none of us really know the answers!.

So while I believe in the possibilities I am also sceptical, as I won't just believe something unless I can be sure that it is realWww@QuestionHome@Com

That depends!. I believe in karma but i don't believe in people!. I just can't believe that people can be better!. They can if they tried but i don't think they will!. I don't believe in God because he never seemed to be in my life helping me get through!. when i prayed for my dying grandmother, my prayers weren't answered!. I just stopped believing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Alternative explanations are always welcome in science, if they are better and explain more!. Alternative explanations that explain nothing are not welcome!.!.!.!.????? Note how science changed those beliefs when new data became available!. Relgions stick to the same ancient beliefs regardless of the data!."
- Victor StengerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am a skeptic, because no one out there is running cons over skeptics!.

Skeptics always look, believers always dive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a believer!.!.!. Or am I!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I m always skeptical on TRUST THE UNIVERSEWww@QuestionHome@Com