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Position:Home>Philosophy> Here's a word for everyone. "Escapism." Feel free to define, expla

Question: Here's a word for everyone!. "Escapism!." Feel free to define, explain, and elaborate!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Escapism - a means by which to ignore, or otherwise escape, the realities of life and being alive!. Some people do this actively (W!.O!.W!.; D&D), some do it semi-actively ("one day I'll find Justin Timberlake and we will get married and be happy forever"; "I just know my wife isn't cheating on me"), and still for others do it subconsciously (It's all going to be ok because God still loves me)!.

Some forms of escapism are fine, even necessary, to avoid becoming over stressed!. Sometimes it is required to take a step back from life and let it go by for a minute!. But this should be done sparsly, because life happens in a stream, and you have to keep swimming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In which area of philosophy!?
Please narrow the scope so that we can be consistently descriptive in our definition and thorough in our evidence that we would use to explain why our term is valid in a particular context!.
I was just trying to help, it would necisarily have a different definetion and explaination dependent upon the catagory it fell in!.
Like say ethics and epistemology
in ethics it might be that the right thing to do is leave when ever you are in a situation that is immoral and if you cant leave then you should do your best to ignore it!.
In epistomology it might mean that there is no way to "escape" the fact that human knowledge will always be limited because the universe is not finite but infinite and when we "escape" one sphere of the universe there will always be another waiting after it!.
You see what I mean you are asking me to do something in your question and then when I try to show why I cant you do nothing to help!.
I would like to remind you that it is you and not I that has asked the question here so why the sarcasim when I only pointed out why I was unable to do as you requested!.
I am slightly offended by such a negative response when all I did was try to help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Belief in an afterlife, a "better plain" of existence, of spiritual "levels" and of power that solves anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com