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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is this proof some humans do have telekentic powers (ect. Ect.) or simply inteci

Question: Is this proof some humans do have telekentic powers (ect!. Ect!.) or simply intecipation at it's best!?
many people dream when they sleep, and I have and I am sure many others have experinced a dream ending at the same time an alarm went off or someone woke you up!. Not simple leaving the dream where you were, but like the people or just itself ending in a logical format!. Example, say you were talking to someone in the dream, the sort of wrap it up and say bye and then the alarm wakes you up!. I assumed this was anticipation at first, because I've asked friends, and it happens when they have alarm, but I assumed somewhere in one of those wrinkles the brain stores the time you had set your alarm to, and obviously dreams are appart of the brain, so it put 1 n 1 together, and let you enjoy yourself or have hell in your head till the clock was gonna BUZZZ!.
I then wonder and said HEY WAIT! how come this happens when people yell your name to get up only once, not several times (once would simply mean it couldn't of been subconsiously heard to get up from the sound several times mergingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Personally, I've never heard of this happening!. It's never happened to me either!. I just dream constantly until my alarm goes off, and I roll out of bed in a panic, the dream having been cut off, usually at a suspenseful place, leaving me wanting to know what was going to happen!.

I don't think it has anything to do with powers!. And from what I know telekinesis is the ability to move things with your mind!. I think the word you were looking for was telepathic!.!.!.

But here's what I think!. People do fall into a pattern with their alarms going off and such, so subconsciously, they know when the dream must wrap up!. And when someone else is awake, it causes a distinct difference in the atmosphere of the living quarters, especially in smaller houses or apartments!. A lot of people don't notice it, but it's less still!. So the dream ending right before someone shouts for you to wake up could be simply because your brain has registered the change in the atmosphere, and realizes you'll have to get up soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com