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Question: Is my life predestined!?
if all the things in the universe are happening exactly as they should wouldn't that mean that ever thing that i am doing right now is exactly what i "should" be doing if that's true is anything i do my own desicion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you have choices God already knows what they are going to be but they are still your choices its sort of like when your ma asks you a question like where did you go last night and you had gone somewhere she wouldn't approve of she already knows the answer but she lets you make the choice if you are going to lie to her or not maybe this isn't a good analogy but i cant think of anything elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent Question : That's what i use to think!.

This is my opinion -

It's predestined in the sense that we are born here without a choice and will die without a choice

My daily life, happiness, sadness, worries, things I do are destined by own thoughts and acts!. So, i learn to live one day at a time!. The outcome of my acts is destined by my acts and the blessings upon it is destined by a power which i do not know and wish to know!.

My days are numbered but i number my one day and all what I do is done with my own power, a power given to me as an Intellectual species upon other species!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in a sense that we are all predestined in our life!.!.!.however, at the same time everything we do is our own choices!.!.!.think of it like a railroad, we have 2 parallel tracks !.!.the issue is that our predestined lives are based on our choices!.!.!.so it's a little bit of both, yes our lives our predestined, but it is us who is creating the destiny!.!.!.so understand that our freewill and predestination, work together!. However, this concept is extremely hard for people to understand (it took me about 2 years to finally understand the concept)!.!.!.so basically, don't think about the fact that we are predestined, just do what you want to do(your choices), and the result will be doing what you are supposed to do!.

It's complicated, but yes our choices are our own, and yes we are predestined, it's both!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Free will vs!. Determinism!?

Heredity vs!. Environment!?

The universe tends to unfold as it should!?

How can something that is infinite in scope, but finite in perception, ever know!? By expanding their awareness of self, and undergoing a fundamental change in nature!.!.!.wherever you go, there you are, with past, present, and future, all wrapped up in the quantum levels of your being!. Karma is a set of habits and attitudes, and we must break these habits if we wish to truly exhibit "free will"!. Until then, we will forever be dominated by our instincts and our neuroses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is what you make of it!.
Every decision you make - effects everyone around you, and ultimately effects all the decisions you'll make from that point!. The same cycle goes on for all the decisions you'll forever make!. But in the end, YOU make them!. Not the universe!. Fate isn't predetermined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is the fun thing about predestination!. If like you said everything has a perpose or a reason that your life has been predestined!. Every action day in your life sets you up for a event why would it not be predestined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a scientist, I like to believe the Heisenberg uncertainty principle lends to the idea that things are not predetermined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As I see it, life is like a scrip that actors follow!. but during the play, which is life, they improvise on some aspects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



this is one of the questions that humans have always asked themselves, and never found an answer to!. The Lord Buddha taught us that causation is not sequential but concatenent and contingent (Pratitya samutpada)!. Jaina philosophers illustrate the unanswerability of such questions by telling us the story of the blind men describing an elephant!.

In practice, quite a good part of my life has been determined without reference to me!. But the most important part is what I can do to and with myself!. there is a lot i can do in that area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com