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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the silliest thing you've done under the influence of boredom?

Question: What is the silliest thing you've done under the influence of boredom!?
just curious!. The silliest one gets 10 pt!.s whoo hoo!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i tried to record a short story using freestyle spoken word on a voice recoder!. i was making up off the top of my head and using different character voices and speaking back and forth to myself in conversations!. the story was about the orignial tribe of men on planet earth breaking up into two societies and how the new society created a new god and how it led to disagreement between religions/cultures for the future of mankind!.

i thought it was pure genius while i was recording it but then listened to it 5 days later and realized if someone ever heard it they would probably reccomend me for psychiatric treatment!. it was awesome!. wish i didnt delete it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Went outside in the middle of a storm with my bro and sister (brother was 19 sister was 22) , and we were just playing in the rain, there was like really deep puddles so we kicked water at each other and stuff, got pretty dirty, plus by the time we were done we were freezing so we went in and took showers, was pretty fun! but we were really bored when we came up with the idea!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

oh the things you do under the influence of boredom!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like to dial random 1-800 numbers and see where I end up!. Sometimes when the budget permits I dial random phone numbers and see what city I land in!. I ask for a random person and hope that there isn't someone there by that name!. Then play dumb and tell the person I was looking for so and so in a certain city, and they get surprised and tell me how far I'm off!.

Oh, if I don't have the cash for long distance calls, I like to blow soap bubbles and watch the dog chase them down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Meijer run at 3am with some friends (it was exam week, and we were going crazy from studying)!. Played catch in the toy aisle!. Sat and talked in the furniture section!. Listened to all the sample songs (on the board in the music section) about 10 times each, then rated them!.!.!. and played them as a countdown!. Walked up and down the alcohol aisle, trying to come up with new and unusual drinks (we actually bought/tried some combinations)!. Tried on clothes for about an hour, coming up with the worst outfits we could think of!.!.!. the pictures are floating around somewhere!. We were there for at least 3 hours!. It was the most fun I've ever had at Meijer!.

None of the workers cared!. Business was dead, and it was a college town so they were used to it!. We weren't being too loud and obnoxious, and weren't ruining the merchandise or breaking any laws!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lincoln: I like your answer!.
I used to be a Navy corpsman!. while working on a med-surg floor, we used to start IV's on each other, chase each other with water filled syringes, and drawing random funny pictures on the assignment board!. it was great when we got the patients involved!. I stocked a marine with 10ml normal saline flushes to squirt the other corpsmen on shift!. someone gave one of our marines some silly string!.

another time, when I was working in the lab, we pulled the apple juice trick!. (that is when you put apple juice in a sterile urine specimen cup and then go drink it in front of your collegues)!. we got the guys back in the lab, and then as we were leaving, my friend still had some and drank in front of everyone at the pharmacy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was summer time, And we had all went riding around the night before out in the country!. There were two car loads of friends, So we parked on this country road , Got out and was cutting up having fun!. Me well I love animals and there was this possum just standing in the road, A guy that was with us dared me to put the possum in the trunk of my car--- And I love a dare so I did!. Well the next day my friends were over again with nothing to do!. And I had for got about the possum in my trunk, Until Dean the nerd of the bunch kept pestering everyone!. Now Dean loves beer, So pow I had it --- get even time!. I walked over to Dean and said hey Dean I still have a six pack of beer in the trunk from last night, If you'll go get it you can have it!. Well when he opened the trunk both Dean and the possum liked to had a heart attack, The possum and Dean jumped--- Dean a good two feet off the ground!. I laughed till I cried and everyone there did too!. The possum was set free and it cured Dean for a long time from bothering others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i ended up going out in the middle of the night and spraying this girl's car (i really dont like the girl :P shez a total slut he he)!.!.!.

this was out of boredom and me nd my friend were on the phone at night so we decided to go out, meet up and do it :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

ok i'll tell u!.!. :P
my university mate(hes my house mate aswell)
i was bored and told him i could cut his hair very nicely!.!.
i didnt!. :P lol!.!.!. it was a mess!.!.!. all he could do then is to shave his head off!.!. and the worst part is!.!. he loathes shaved heads :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Making the backdrop for a Cloverfield Parody staring my water turtle, Wonderboy!.

I just have to wait for boredom to set in again to finish the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

decided that dancing in the snow under a lamp post was like being in a snow globe!. i even got my walkman and listened to music while i just danced in the light!. (no i wasn't on anything, just bored)Www@QuestionHome@Com

decided to create 'modern artwork' by smashing various objects!. :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

I went to the Navy Recruiting Office!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Got angry ,and tore paper and clothes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kissed back!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Asking God's help to find a gf :-)))Www@QuestionHome@Com